Title: | Repository of Network Datasets |
Description: | The package contains a large collection of network dataset with different context. This includes social networks, animal networks and movie networks. All datasets are in 'igraph' format. |
Authors: | David Schoch [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | David Schoch <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.2.1 |
Built: | 2025-01-29 04:38:18 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata |
A network of common adjective and noun adjacencies for the novel "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens, as described by M. Newman. Nodes represent the most commonly occurring adjectives and nouns in the book. Edges connect any pair of words that occur in adjacent position in the text of the book.
igraph object
Newman, Mark EJ. "Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices." Physical Review E 74.3 (2006): 036104.
Species: Gasterosteus aculeatus
Taxonomic class: Actinopterygii
Population type: captive
Geographical location: St. Andrews, UK
Data collection technique: video
Interaction type: group membership
Definition of interaction: A pair of individuals were classed as shoaling if they were within four body lengths of one another from head to head. Gambit of the group approach was then used to assume that a string of fish connected by less than two body lengths were all assumed to be associating with one another.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 120 min
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 6 min
Time span of data collection (within a day): 120 min
Note: Networks represent social data collected from seven replicate groups of fish
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Atton, N., et al. "Familiarity affects social network structure and discovery of prey patch locations in foraging stickleback shoals." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 281.1789 (2014): 20140579.
Species: Philetairus socius
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Kimberley, South Africa
Data collection technique: mark recapture
Interaction type: social projection bipartite
Definition of interaction: A network edge was drawn between individuals that used the same nest chambers either for roosting or nest-building at any given time within a series of observations at the same colony in the same year, either together in the nest chamber at the same time or at different times.
Edge weight type: unweighted
Total duration of data collection: 10 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
Note: Networks represent social data collected from 23 colonies of sociable weavers
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Dijk, René E., et al. "Cooperative investment in public goods is kin directed in communal nests of social birds." Ecology letters 17.9 (2014): 1141-1148.
Species: Wild birds
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Oxford, UK
Data collection technique: RFID
Interaction type: social projection bipartite
Definition of interaction: Groups were defined as individuals detected on the same nest-box during the same day, and co-memberships represented individuals that overlapped in nest-box exploration patterns during the same day. Networks were calculated from these group-by-individual matrices using the halfweight index.
Edge weight type: half_weight_index
Total duration of data collection: 6 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 12 hours
Note: Each network represents social data collected for consecutive 6-day time window.
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Firth, Josh A., and Ben C. Sheldon. "Experimental manipulation of avian social structure reveals segregation is carried over across contexts." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 282.1802 (2015): 20142350.
Species: Camponotus fellah
Taxonomic class: Insecta
Population type: captive
Geographical location: University of Lausanne, Laussane, Switzerland
Data collection technique: video
Interaction type: physical contact
Definition of interaction: A pair of ants was considered to interact when the front end of one ant was located within the trapezoidal shape representing the other ant.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 1day
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 0.5 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 24 hours
Note: Networks represent six separate colonies of the ant. The authors recorded the position and orientation of all individuals twice per second to reconstruct spatial movement and infer all social interactions occurring over the 41 days of the experiment.
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Mersch, Danielle P., Alessandro Crespi, and Laurent Keller. "Tracking individuals shows spatial fidelity is a key regulator of ant social organization."Science 340.6136 (2013): 1090-1093.
Species: Camponotus pennsylvanicus
Taxonomic class: Insecta
Population type: captive
Geographical location: Old Main, State College, Pennsylvania
Data collection technique: video
Interaction type: trophallaxis
Definition of interaction: "
A trophallaxis event was recorded when ants engaged in mandible-to-mandible contact for greater than 1 s"
Edge weight type: duration
Total duration of data collection: 1 day
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 20min
Note: Networks represent two C. pennsylvanicus colonies. Each colony was filmed for approximately 30 minutes for 8 consecutive nights.
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Quevillon, Lauren E., et al. "Social, spatial, and temporal organization in a complex insect society." Scientific reports 5 (2015).
Species: Bolitotherus cornutus
Taxonomic class: Insecta
Population type: captive
Geographical location: Virginia, USA
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: spatial proximity
Definition of interaction: Social partners were defined as any beetle within 3 cm (i.e., approximately 2 body lengths) of the focal beetle.
Edge weight type: simple_ratio_index
Total duration of data collection: 12 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 3.5 hours
Time span of data collection (within a day): few minutes
Note: Networks represent four control (C) and four treatment (T) groups recorded during �undisturbed� phase where individuals were allowed to interact with each other freely.
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Formica, Vincent, et al. "Consistency of animal social networks after disturbance." Behavioral Ecology (2016): arw128.
Species: Elephas maximus
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Uda Walawe National Park, Sri Lanka
Data collection technique: focal sampling
Interaction type: dominance
Definition of interaction: Indicators of dominance as well as subordination was included. If a series of interactions occurred during a particular event, the winners/losers were determined only on conclusion of the event, when individuals or groups moved apart.
Edge weight type: unweighted
Total duration of data collection: 206days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 5.5 hours
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de Silva, Shermin, Volker Schmid, and George Wittemyer. "Fission–fusion processes weaken dominance networks of female Asian elephants in a productive habitat." Behavioral Ecology (2016): arw153.
Species: Papio cynocephalus
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Amboseli National Park, Kenya
Data collection technique: focal sampling
Interaction type: spatial proximity
Definition of interaction: These networks were constructed based on nearest neighbour data collected during focal sampling.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 30days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
Note: Networks represent grooming interaction or association between five social groups of baboons. Each network summarizes data collected within 30 days before and 90 days after each knockout. A natural knockout was considered to have occurred when a given alpha or beta male was present in the group for at least three months prior to his disappearance, and then he disappeared permanently from the group.
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Franz, Mathias, Jeanne Altmann, and Susan C. Alberts. "Knockouts of high-ranking males have limited impact on baboon social networks." Current zoology 61.1 (2015): 107-113.
Species: Desmodus rotundus
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: captive
Geographical location: Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Data collection technique: video
Interaction type: trophallaxis
Definition of interaction: Food sharing event were defined as periods where food could be passed that lasted at least 5 s and were separated by more than 5s.
Edge weight type: duration
Total duration of data collection: 2 hours
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 2 hours
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Carter, Gerald G., and Gerald S. Wilkinson. "Food sharing in vampire bats: reciprocal help predicts donations more than relatedness or harassment."Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 280.1753 (2013): 20122573.
Species: Myotis sodalis
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Pickaway County, Ohio, USA
Data collection technique: radio tags
Interaction type: social projection bipartite
Definition of interaction: Roost network was first contructed as a two-mode network that consisted of bats and roosts. Single-mode projection of the bat nodes was used to assess colony social structure.
Edge weight type: unweighted
Total duration of data collection: 1 year
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): 8 hours
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Silvis, Alexander, et al. "Roosting and foraging social structure of the endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis)." PloS one 9.5 (2014): e96937.
Species: Bison bison
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: semi-ranging
Geographical location: Moiese, Montana, USA
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: dominance
Definition of interaction: Only those aggressive interactions were analyzed that led to an outcome in which the lost and the winner could be categorized unambiguosly
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 2 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
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Dale F Lott. Dominance relations and breeding rate in mature male American bison. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, 49(4): 418-432, 1979.
Species: Poecilia reticulata
Taxonomic class: Actinopterygii
Population type: captive
Geographical location: Louisville, Kentucky
Data collection technique: video
Interaction type: spatial proximity
Definition of interaction: A contact phase between two individuals was one or more consecutive observations in which they were recorded as being within four body length to one another.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 90min
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 10 seconds
Time span of data collection (within a day): 90min
Note: Networks represent 10 independed replicates of grourp of 5 guppies that were familiar with each other
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Hasenjager, Matthew J., and Lee Alan Dugatkin. "Familiarity affects network structure and information flow in guppy (Poecilia reticulata) shoals." Behavioral Ecology (2016): arw152.
Species: Cattle N/A
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: semi-ranging
Geographical location: Jeanerette, Louisiana, USA
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: dominance
Definition of interaction: The dominance relationship was ascertained from direct physical contests.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: Not specified
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 1 hour
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Martin W. Schein and Milton H. Fohrman. Social dominance relationships in a herd of dairy cattle. The British J. of Animal Behaviour, 3(2): 45-55, 1955.
Species: Tursiops truncatus
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Cedar Key, Florida, USA
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: spatial proximity
Definition of interaction: Interactions characterized by prey capture or persistent incidents of prey searching as indicated by long dives or specialized feeding behaviours with direction shifts between surfacings.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 124 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): 5min
Note: Four networks: an overall network that does not take behaviour into account, and the socialize network, the travel network and the forage network that correspond to their respective behaviours.
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Gazda, Stefanie, et al. "The importance of delineating networks by activity type in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Cedar Key, Florida." Royal Society open science 2.3 (2015): 140263.
Species: Tursiops truncatus
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Fiordland, New Zealand
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: spatial proximity
Definition of interaction: All members of a school were assumed associated. Half-weight index (HWI) was used to quantify the frequency of association among individuals.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 594 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): Not specified
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Lusseau, David, et al. "The bottlenose dolphin community of Doubtful Sound features a large proportion of long-lasting associations." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 54.4 (2003): 396-405.
Species: Mirounga angustirostris
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: California, USA
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: dominance
Definition of interaction: Dominance status determined by Elo rating based on winner of an competitive interaction and intensity of interaction
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 69 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
Note: Network represent interactions collected over different years and/or in different colonies
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Casey, Caroline, et al. "Rival assessment among northern elephant seals: evidence of associative learning during male–male contests." Royal Society open science 2.8 (2015): 150228.
Species: Crocuta crocuta
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: group membership
Definition of interaction: Association patterns were recorded based on the co-occurrence of each pair of individuals, during the period for which they were concurrently present in the clan.
Edge weight type: twice_weight_index
Total duration of data collection: 4 months (approx 16 days each month)
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 15min
Time span of data collection (within a day): few hours
Note: The three social networks were collected during periods of low (networks A and C) and high (network B) prey abundance.
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Holekamp, Kay E., et al. "Society, demography and genetic structure in the spotted hyena." Molecular Ecology 21.3 (2012): 613-632.
Species: Macropus giganteus
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: New South Wales, Australia
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: spatial proximity
Definition of interaction: Two individuals were assumed to be associating if they occured within 120 cm of another at set 15-min intervals in the enclosure.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: Not specified
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
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TR Grant. Dominance and association among members of a captive and a free-ranging group of grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus). Animal Behaviour, 21(3): 449-456, 1973.
Species: Trichosurus cunninghami
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Cambarville, Victoria, Australia
Data collection technique: logger
Interaction type: social projection bipartite
Definition of interaction: The proximity loggers recorded the identity of interacting individuals (based on a threshold proximity set to detect den-sharing events) and the time and length of those interactions. From these data, den-sharing was recorded as a binary variable with �1� representing an instance of day-time den-sharing and �0� representing the use of separate dens for every pairwise combination of individuals on each of the 223 days of data collection.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 3 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 24 hours
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Banks, Sam C., et al. "Adaptive responses and disruptive effects: how major wildfire influences kinship‐based social interactions in a forest marsupial." Molecular ecology 21.3 (2012): 673-684.
Species: Macaca fuscata
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Yakushima, Japan
Data collection technique: focal sampling
Interaction type: grooming
Definition of interaction: Based on observation of grooming interaction
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 3 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
Note: Networks represent four control (C) and four treatment (T) groups recorded during �undisturbed� phase where individuals were allowed to interact with each other freely.
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Griffin, Randi H., and Charles L. Nunn. "Community structure and the spread of infectious disease in primate social networks." Evolutionary Ecology 26.4 (2012): 779-800.
Species: Procyon lotor
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Illinois, USA
Data collection technique: logger
Interaction type: spatial proximity
Definition of interaction: Close proximity (within 1�1.5m). Any contacts <1 s in duration were excluded.
Edge weight type: duration
Total duration of data collection: 7days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 24 hours
Note: Networks represents adjacency matrices constructed for each week of the year
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Reynolds, Jennifer JH, et al. "Raccoon contact networks predict seasonal susceptibility to rabies outbreaks and limitations of vaccination." Journal of Animal Ecology 84.6 (2015): 1720-1731.
Species: Macaca mulatta
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: captive
Geographical location: Rijswijk, the Netherlands
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: physical contact
Definition of interaction: Edge defined based on individuals sitting in contact with eah other.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 3years
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 hour
Time span of data collection (within a day): few minutes
Note: Two networks represent proximity (contact sits) and grooming patterns - who was sitting in contact with whom and who was grooming whom.
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Massen, Jorg JM, and Elisabeth HM Sterck. "Stability and durability of intra-and intersex social bonds of captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)." International Journal of Primatology 34.4 (2013): 770-791.
Species: Hirundo rustica
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Boulder County, Colorado, USA
Data collection technique: logger
Interaction type: physical contact
Definition of interaction: Interaction 0.1 m and closer
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 11 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 6 hours
Note: Two networks were constructed with edges weighted by the number of interactions at two spatial proximities: body contact interactions and all other spatially proximate interactions
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Levin, Iris I., et al. "Stress response, gut microbial diversity and sexual signals correlate with social interactions." Biology Letters 12.6 (2016): 20160352.
Species: Macaca fuscata
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: semi-ranging
Geographical location: Arashiyama, Japan
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: dominance
Definition of interaction: The dominance relations between females were determined based on approach-retreat episodes around the food. The dominance range order was arranged based on these dyadic relations.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 6 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 2 hours
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
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Takahata, Yukio. "Diachronic changes in the dominance relations of adult female Japanese monkeys of the Arashiyama B group." The monkeys of Arashiyama. State University of New York Press, Albany (1991): 123-139.
Species: Ovis canadensis
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: semi-ranging
Geographical location: Montana, USA
Data collection technique: focal sampling
Interaction type: dominance
Definition of interaction: Social status was determined by assembling a win-loss matrix based on the outcome of agonistic interactions. The winner of a dominance fight, involving a series of butts and clashes, was recorded as winning one interaction.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 15 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
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Christine C Hass. Social status in female bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis): Expression, development and reproductive correlates. J. of Zoology, 225(3): 509-523, 1991.
Species: Ateles hybridus
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Colombia
Data collection technique: focal sampling
Interaction type: physical contact
Definition of interaction: Physical contact event between the two individuals (e.g. grooming, mating and embracing)
Edge weight type: duration
Total duration of data collection: 2 years
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 15min
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
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Rimbach, Rebecca, et al. "Brown spider monkeys (Ateles hybridus): a model for differentiating the role of social networks and physical contact on parasite transmission dynamics." Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370.1669 (2015): 20140110.
Species: Microtus agrestis
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Northumberland, England
Data collection technique: mark recapture
Interaction type: social projection bipartite
Definition of interaction: An edge was inserted into the network whenever two voles were caught in at least one common trap over the primary trapping sessions being considered
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 6 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 12 hours
Time span of data collection (within a day): 24 hours
Note: Networks represent social data combined over two consecutive trapping sessions at four sites (BHP, KCS, PLJ and ROB). Populations were trapped in �primary� sessions every 28 days from March to November, and every 56 days from November to March.
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Davis, Stephen, et al. "Spatial analyses of wildlife contact networks." Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12.102 (2015): 20141004.
Species: Equus grevyi
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Kenya
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: group membership
Definition of interaction: A group was defined as a set of one or more individuals that is spatially cohesive and distinct from other groups at the time of observation. Edges were constructed based on half-weight index (HWI).
Edge weight type: unweighted
Total duration of data collection: 3 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
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Siva R Sundaresan, Ilya R Fischhoff, Jonathan Dushoff, and Daniel I Rubenstein. Network metrics reveal differences in social organization between two fission-fusion species, Grevy's zebra and onager. Oecologia, 151(1): 140-149, 2007.
Species: Gopherus agassizii
Taxonomic class: Reptilia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Nevada, USA
Data collection technique: radio tags
Interaction type: social projection bipartite
Definition of interaction: A bipartite network was first constructed based on burrow use - an edge connecting a tortoise node to a burrow node indicated burrow use by the individual. Social networks of desert tortoises were then constructed by the bipartite network into a single-mode projection of tortoise nodes.
Edge weight type: unweighted
Total duration of data collection: 8 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
Note: Networks represent social data collected over different years and inactive (November�February)/active (March�October) season.
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Sah, Pratha, et al. "Inferring social structure and its drivers from refuge use in the desert tortoise, a relatively solitary species." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70.8 (2016): 1277-1289.
Species: Tiliqua rugosa
Taxonomic class: Reptilia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Kungara, South Australia
Data collection technique: logger
Interaction type: spatial proximity
Definition of interaction: Two lizards were assumed to had made a social contact if they were within 2 m of each other at any of the synchronized 10 min GPS locations.
Edge weight type: simple_ratio_index
Total duration of data collection: 120 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 10 minutes
Time span of data collection (within a day): 24 hours
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Bull, C. M., S. S. Godfrey, and D. M. Gordon. "Social networks and the spread of Salmonella in a sleepy lizard population." Molecular Ecology 21.17 (2012): 4386-4392.
Species: Branta leucopsis
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: captive
Geographical location: Heteren, Netherlands
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: foraging
Definition of interaction: Animals grazing on the same patch during a sampling period were assumed to be associating (gambit of the group)
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 15 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 4min
Time span of data collection (within a day): 4 hours
Note: Networks represent male and female only network
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Kurvers, Ralf HJM, et al. "Contrasting context dependence of familiarity and kinship in animal social networks." Animal Behaviour 86.5 (2013): 993-1001.
Species: White leghorn
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: captive
Geographical location: Manhattan, Kansas
Data collection technique: mn/unspecified
Interaction type: dominance
Definition of interaction: Dominance interaction recoded based on agonistic behavior until each bird has established its dominance and/or subordination.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection:
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day):
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Guhl, A. M. "Social behavior of the domestic fowl." Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1903-) 71.3 (1968): 379-384.
Species: Haemorhous mexicanus
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA
Data collection technique: RFID
Interaction type: social projection bipartite
Definition of interaction: A machine learning algorithm was applied to identify clusters of detections on feeders. Next, the network was generated based on patterns of co-occurrence by individuals in the same feeding events. Asociations between birds were defined using the simple ratio index.
Edge weight type: simple_ratio_index
Total duration of data collection: 137 days
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 24 hours
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Adelman, James S., et al. "Feeder use predicts both acquisition and transmission of a contagious pathogen in a North American songbird." Proc. R. Soc. B. Vol. 282. No. 1815. The Royal Society, 2015.
Species: Zonotrichia atricapilla
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: California, USA
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: group membership
Definition of interaction: A flock was defined as a group of birds within an approximately 5-metre radius. Social networks of flock comembership was constructed where nodes represent individual birds and edges represent the simple ratio association index
Edge weight type: simple_ratio_index
Total duration of data collection: 3 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
Note: Two networks collected over two consecutive years
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Arnberg, Nina N., et al. "Social network structure in wintering golden‐crowned sparrows is not correlated with kinship." Molecular ecology 24.19 (2015): 5034-5044.
Species: Zonotrichia atricapilla
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: California, USA
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: group membership
Definition of interaction: Flocks were defined as a group of individuals found within a single 5 m radius. For each season, Simple Ratio association index was calculated for each pair of individuals, which ranged from 0 for pairs never seen in the same flock and 1 for pairs always seen in the same flock.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 4 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
Note: Networks represent social data collected during two non-breeding seasons: October 2010�February 2011 (Season 2) and October2011�April 2012 (Season 3).
list of igraph objects
https: //bansallab.github.io/asnr/
Shizuka, Daizaburo, et al. "Across‐year social stability shapes network structure in wintering migrant sparrows." Ecology letters 17.8 (2014): 998-1007.
Species: Acanthiza
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Canberra, Australia
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: group membership
Definition of interaction: Flock membership was identified based on frequent interactions between (such as �beating� for insects) flocks and large gaps between flocks. Association strength of each dyad was calculated using the simple ratio index.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 2 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
list of igraph objects
https: //bansallab.github.io/asnr/
Farine, Damien R., and Peter J. Milburn. "Social organisation of thornbill-dominated mixed-species flocks using social network analysis." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67.2 (2013): 321-330.
These are observations of ritual dominance activities in an ant community (a collection of 16 female Leptothorax allardycei ants over 18.2 hours in a queenright colony)
igraph object
B. J. Cole, 1981, "Dominance hierarchies in Leptothorax ants" Science, 212: 83-84.
These are observations of ritual dominance activities in an ant community (a collection of 13 female Leptothorax allardycei ants in a queenless colony)
igraph object
B. J. Cole, 1981, "Dominance hierarchies in Leptothorax ants" Science, 212: 83-84.
This is the email communication network at the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona in the south of Catalonia in Spain. Nodes are users and each edge represents that at least one email was sent. The direction of emails or the number of emails are not stored.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://deim.urv.cat/~aarenas/data/welcome.htm
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Roger Guimerà, Leon Danon, Albert Díaz-Guilera, Francesc Giralt, and Alex Arenas. Self-similar community structure in a network of human interactions. Phys. Rev. E, 68(6):065103, 2003.
This is the metabolic network of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans. Nodes are metabolites (e.g., proteins), and edges are interactions between them. Since a metabolite can iteract with itself, the network contains loops. The interactions are undirected. There may be multiple interactions between any two metabolites.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://deim.urv.cat/~aarenas/data/welcome.htm
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Jordi Duch and Alex Arenas. Community detection in complex networks using extremal optimization. Phys. Rev. E, 72(2):027104, 2005.
The dataset includes all ATP tennis matches from 1968-2021 The networks are directed pointing from the loser to the winner. Each network contains the following attributes:
Edge attributes: - surface: on which surface the match(es) took place (e.g. "Hard", "Grass", "Clay") - weight: number of times Player A lost to Player B on surface X Vertex attributes: - hand: if player is (L)eft or (R)ight handed (or (U)nknown) - age: age of player during the season - country: home country of player
Check out https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0017249 for a potential use case.
list of igraph objects
Networks constructed from data that was gathered and compiled by Jeff Sackmann (https://github.com/JeffSackmann). Please give credit to him if you use this data.
Christoph Romhild recorded 1773 proper nouns–people and places–in the King James Bible. He tallied 63,779 occasions in which pairs of these proper nouns appeared in the same verse in the bible. Many of these, of course, appeared more than once. So the data presented here are tallies, for each pair of proper nouns, of the number of verses in which they appeared together. Romhild worked with Chris Harrison, and together, they produced some elegant visual images of the data. They are displayed in the source listed below.
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These data concern interactions among students living in a fraternity at a West Virginia college. All subjects had been residents in the fraternity from three months to three years. BKFRAB records the number of times a pair of subjects were seen in conversation by an "unobtrusive" observer (who walked through the public areas of the building every fifteen minutes, 21 hours a day, for five days). BKFRAC contains rankings made by the subjects of how frequently they interacted with other subjects in the observation week.
igraph object
Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1980). Informant accuracy in social network data IV. Social Networks, 2, 191-218.
Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1982). Informant accuracy in social network data V. Social Science Research, 11, 30-66.
Romney A. K. and Weller S. (1984). Predicting informant accuracy from patterns of recall among individuals. Social Networks, 6, 59-78.
These data concern interactions among students living in a fraternity at a West Virginia college. All subjects had been residents in the fraternity from three months to three years. BKFRAB records the number of times a pair of subjects were seen in conversation by an "unobtrusive" observer (who walked through the public areas of the building every fifteen minutes, 21 hours a day, for five days). BKFRAC contains rankings made by the subjects of how frequently they interacted with other subjects in the observation week.
igraph object
#' Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1980). Informant accuracy in social network data IV. Social Networks, 2, 191-218.
Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1982). Informant accuracy in social network data V. Social Science Research, 11, 30-66.
Romney A. K. and Weller S. (1984). Predicting informant accuracy from patterns of recall among individuals. Social Networks, 6, 59-78.
These data concern interactions in a small business office, recorded by an "unobtrusive" observer. Observations were made as the observer patrolled a fixed route through the office every fifteen minutes during two four-day periods. BKOFFB contains the observed frequency of interactions; BKOFFC contains rankings of interaction frequency as recalled by the employees over the two-week period.
igraph object
Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1980). Informant accuracy in social network data IV. Social Networks, 2, 191-218.
Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1982). Informant accuracy in social network data V. Social Science Research, 11, 30-66.
Romney A. K. and Weller S. (1984). Predicting informant accuracy from patterns of recall among individuals. Social Networks, 6, 59-78.
These data concern interactions in a small business office, recorded by an "unobtrusive" observer. Observations were made as the observer patrolled a fixed route through the office every fifteen minutes during two four-day periods. BKOFFB contains the observed frequency of interactions; BKOFFC contains rankings of interaction frequency as recalled by the employees over the two-week period.
igraph object
#' Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1980). Informant accuracy in social network data IV. Social Networks, 2, 191-218.
Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1982). Informant accuracy in social network data V. Social Science Research, 11, 30-66.
Romney A. K. and Weller S. (1984). Predicting informant accuracy from patterns of recall among individuals. Social Networks, 6, 59-78.
These data concern interactions in a technical research group at a West Virginia university. BKTECB contains a frequency record of interactions, made by an observer every half-hour during one five-day work week. BKTECC contains the personal rankings of the remembered frequency of interactions in the same period.
igraph object
Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1980). Informant accuracy in social network data IV. Social Networks, 2, 191-218.
Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1982). Informant accuracy in social network data V. Social Science Research, 11, 30-66.
Romney A. K. and Weller S. (1984). Predicting informant accuracy from patterns of recall among individuals. Social Networks, 6, 59-78.
These data concern interactions in a technical research group at a West Virginia university. BKTECB contains a frequency record of interactions, made by an observer every half-hour during one five-day work week. BKTECC contains the personal rankings of the remembered frequency of interactions in the same period.
igraph object
#' Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1980). Informant accuracy in social network data IV. Social Networks, 2, 191-218.
Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1982). Informant accuracy in social network data V. Social Science Research, 11, 30-66.
Romney A. K. and Weller S. (1984). Predicting informant accuracy from patterns of recall among individuals. Social Networks, 6, 59-78.
The data were collected in 1926 in a preschool in Toronto. Observations were made on each child in turn who was defined as a "focal" individual. Instances in which the focal child (1) talked to another, (2) interfered with another, (3) watched another, (4) imitated another or (5) cooperated with another were tabulated along with the name of the other to whom the social behavior was directed. The result was tabulated in five matrices.
igraph object
The five different relations are given in the relation edge attribute.
Bott, H. "Observations of play activities in a nursery school," Genetic Psychology Monographs, 1928, 4: 44-88.
This bipartite network contains membership information of corporate executive officers in social organisations such as clubs and boards. Left nodes represent persons and right nodes represent social organisations. An edge between a person and a social organization shows that the person has a memberstatus.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from https://github.com/corybrunson/triadic
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Katherine Faust. Centrality in affiliation networks. Social Networks, 19(2):157–191, 1997.
This bipartite network contains person–company leadership information between companies and 20 corporate directors. The data was collected in 1962. Left nodes represent persons and right nodes represent companies. An edge between a person and a company shows that the person had a leadership position in that company.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from https://github.com/corybrunson/triadic
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Roy Barnes and Tracy Burkett. Structural redundancy and multiplicity in corporate networks. International Network for Social Network Analysis, 30(2), 2010.
This bipartite network contains membership information of 136 people in 5 organisations dating back to the time before the American Revolution. The list includes well-known people such as the American activist Paul Revere. Left nodes represent persons and right nodes represent organisations. An edge between a person and an organization shows that the person was a member of the organisation.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from https://github.com/corybrunson/triadic
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
This bipartite network contains person–company shared leadership relations of "the five most representative companies" that are claimed to represent "the small inner ring of South African Finance". Left nodes represent persons and right nodes represent companies. An edge between a person and a company shows that the person had a leadership position in that company.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from https://github.com/corybrunson/triadic
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
John Atkinson Hobson. The Evolution of Modern Capitalism: A Study of Machine Production. The Walter Scott publishing co., ltd., 1919.
In 1979, Linton Freeman published a paper which defined several kinds of centrality. His typology has become the standard for network analysis. Freeman, however, was not the first to publish on centrality in networks. His paper is part of a discussion which dates back to the 1940s. The network shows the papers that discuss network centrality and their cross- references until 1979. Arcs represent citations; they point from the cited paper to the citing paper.
In principle, papers can only cite papers which appeared earlier, so the network is acyclic. Arcs never point back to older papers just like parents cannot be younger than their children. However, there are usually some exceptions in a citation network: papers which cite one another, e.g., papers appearing at about the same time and written by one author. We eliminated these exceptions by shrinking the papers by an author which are connected by cyclic citations. In the centrality literature network, we used the latter approach (e.g., two publications by Gilch in 1954 are shrunk to one paper #GilchSW-54).
igraph object
N.P. Hummon, P. Doreian, & L.C. Freeman, 'Analyzing the structure of the centrality-productivity literature created between 1948 and 1979' (in: Knowledge-Creation Diffusion Utilization, 11 (1990), 459-480).
W. de Nooy, A. Mrvar, & V. Batagelj, Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), Chapter 11.
These data give the affiliation network of 26 CEO's of major corporations and banks and their spouses to 15 clubs, corporate and cultural boards.. Data were collected in the Minneapolis area. Membership was during the period 1978-1981.
(bipartite) igraph object
Galaskiewicz J (1985). Social Organization of an Urban Grants Economy. New York. Academic Press.
This is the road transportation network of the Chicago region (USA). Nodes are transport nodes, and edges are connections.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://www.bgu.ac.il/~bargera/tntp/
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
R. W. Eash, K. S. Chon, Y. J. Lee, and D. E. Boyce. Equilibrium traffic assignment on an aggregated highway network for sketch planning. Transportation Research Record, 994:30–37, 1983.
A small graph to illustrate the concept of cliques and k-cores.
igraph object
James Coleman (1964) reports research on self-reported friendship ties among 73 boys in a small high school in Illinois over the 1957-1958 academic year. Networks of reported ties for all 73 informants are provided for two time points (fall and spring).
list of two igraph objects
Coleman, J. S. (1964). Introduction to Mathematical Sociology. New York: Free Press.
A graph to illustrate the concept of core-periphery.
igraph object
Bill cosponsorship network for the 115th Senate obtained from govtrack.us
two-mode network as igraph object
The dataset refers to the 17 November Revolutionary Organisation, a Marxist urban guerrilla organization operating in Greece. The data refers to the specific temporal window which runs from 1975 to 2002. During these years the group has been responsible for several violent acts such as assassinations, kidnappings and symbolic attacks on government offices. The following has been reconstructed:
1) 2-mode matrix, binary, 15x12 persons by events. Ties are participation in terrorist events 2) 1-mode stacked matrices 18x18 persons by persons, binary Kinship 1975-1984 1985-1994 1995-2002 The original file presents a distinction among several types of relationships: 1. Acquaintances/Distant family ties (interactions limited to radical organisation activities), 2. Friends/Moderately close family ties (interactions extend beyond radical organisations to include such categories as co-workers and roommates). Operational/Organisational leadership (i.e. JI leadership, formally or informally ranking members of burgeoning cells).Operational Ties (i.e. worked closely on a bombing together). 3. Close Friends/Family, Tight-knit operational cliques (would die for each other) If one of these three types of relationships was present, it has been coded with 1.
list of igraph objects
Reconstructed at Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Freely available from http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
Project Caviar was a unique investigation that targeted a network of hashish and cocaine importers operating out of Montreal. The network was targeted between 1994 and 1996 by a tandem investigation uniting the Montreal Police, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and other national and regional law-enforcement agencies from various countries (i.e., England, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Paraguay, and Colombia). The case is unique because it involved a specific investigative approach that will be referred to as a “seize and wait” strategy. Unlike most law-enforcement strategies, the mandate set forward in the Project Caviar case was to seize identified drug consignments, but not to arrest any of the identified participants. This took place over a 2-year period. Thus, although 11 importation consignments were seized at different moments throughout this period, arrests only took place at the end of the investigation. What this case offers is a rare opportunity to study the evolution of a criminal network phenomenon as it was being disrupted by law-enforcement agents. The inherent investigative strategy permits an assessment of change in the network structure and an inside look into how network participants react and adapt to the growing constraints set upon them. The principal data source was comprised of information submitted as evidence during the trials of 22 participants in the Caviar network. It included 4,279 paragraphs of information (over 1,000 pages) revealing electronically intercepted telephone conversations between network participants. These transcripts were used to create the overall matrix of the drug-trafficking operation’s communication system throughout the course of the investigation. Individuals falling in the surveillance net were not all participants in the trafficking operation. An initial extraction of all names appearing in the surveillance data led to the identification of 318 individuals. From this pool, 208 individuals were not implicated in the trafficking operations. Most were simply named during the many transcripts of conversations, but never detected. Others who were detected had no clear participatory role within the network (e.g., family members or legitimate entrepreneurs). The final network was thus composed of 110 participants. NETWORK 11 1-mode matrices person by person, representing the 11 phases of the investigation. Ties are directed and valued. Number of nodes = 1) 15x15, 2) 24x24, 3) 33x33, 4) 33x33, 5) 32x32, 6) 27x27, 7) 34x34, 8) 42x42, 9) 34x34, 10) 42x42, 11) 41x41 1-mode matrix 110 x 110 person by person of the complete network. Ties are communication exchanges between criminals. Values represent level of communication activity. Data comes from police wiretapping.
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks), reconstructed from Morselli’s book, Inside Criminal Networks http://www.springer.com/social+sciences/criminology/book/978-0-387-09525-7 Book pages from 173 to 186, Appendix
Morselli, C., 2009. Inside criminal networks. New York: Springer.
This is a time series that treat specific attacks as endpoints and depict the evolution of relations between individuals indirectly and directly associated with the 2000 Christmas Eve bombing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_Eve_2000_Indonesia_bombings 1-mode stacked matrices 27 x 27 person by person. Data for 11 time periods plus kinship data. Undirected, valued ties. Tie value codes for kinship matrix: 0 = No Kinship // 1 = In-laws // 2 = Cousins // 3 = Sibling // 4 = Parent/Child // 5 = Married // 6 = Grandparent/Child // 7 = Significant Other Tie value codes for time series matrices: 0 = No relation // 1 = Acquaintances/distant family ties (interaction limited to radical organisation activities) // 2 = Friends/Moderately close family (inc co-workers/ roommates) Operational/Org leadership/Operational lies (e.g. worked closely on a bombing together) // 3 = Close friends/family, tight-knit operational cliques
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
Project Ciel is based on a small drug-importation network that was importing liquid hashish from Jamaica to Montreal. This network was targeted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Montreal Police from May 1996 to June 1997. Typical of many Canadian investigations of drug smuggling and trafficking, the operations in Project Ciel were described as taking place within a tightly governed organizational framework—a hierarchy, in short. Reports from the investigation maintained that the main target of the investigation was the “organizational leader.” Other key targets included the leader’s “lieutenant” and a series of other subordinates. The investigation produced three separate seizures, with two taking place at Mirabel airport near Montreal and another occurring at Sangster airport in Jamaica. Overall, 75 people fell into the surveillance net. A selection process that was aimed at identifying only those individuals who were active in the drug-importation operations resulted in a final network of 25 participants. NETWORK 1-mode matrix 25 x 25 person by person. Ties are communication exchanges between criminals. Ties are directed and valued. Higher values represent more active communication channels. Data comes from police wiretapping.
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Reconstructed from Morselli’s book, Inside Criminal Networks http://www.springer.com/social+sciences/criminology/book/978-0-387-09525-7 book page 172, Appendix.
Morselli, C., 2009. Inside criminal networks. New York: Springer.
This dataset comes from an investigation into to a large cocaine trafficking organization in New York City. 1-mode matrix 28 x 28 persons by persons. Directed valued relations are communications exchanges / flows of information. Data come from police wiretappings (transcripts of 151 telephone conversations).
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Reconstructed from Natarajan, M. "Understanding the structure of a drug trafficking organization: a conversational analysis." Crime Prevention Studies 11 (2000): 273-298.
Natarajan, M. "Understanding the structure of a drug trafficking organization: a conversational analysis." Crime Prevention Studies 11 (2000): 273-298.
Data refers to four groups involved in cocaine trafficking in Spain. Information comes from police wiretapping and meetings registered by police investigations of these criminal organisations between 2007 and 2009. Operation MAMBO (N=22). The investigation started in 2006 and involved Colombian citizens that were introducing 50 kg of cocaine to be adulterated and distributed in Madrid (Spain). Ultimately, the group was involved in smuggling cocaine from Colombia through Brazil and Uruguay to be distributed in Spain. This is a typical Spanish middle cocaine group acting as wholesale supplier between a South American importer group and retailers in Madrid. Operation JUANES (N=51). In 2009, the police investigation detected a group involved in the smuggling of cocaine from Mexico to be distributed in Madrid (Spain). In this case, the group operated in close cooperation with another organization that was laundering the illegal income from drug distribution from this and other groups. The cocaine traffickers earned an estimated EUR 60 million. Operation JAKE (N=62). In 2008, the group investigated was operating as a wholesale supplier and retail distributor of cocaine and heroin in a large distribution zone located in Madrid (Spain), where gypsy clans traditionally carry out similar activities. The group was in charge of acquiring, manipulating and selling the drugs in the gypsy quarter. Operation ACERO (N=11). This investigation started in 2007 and involved a smaller family-based group. The group was composed mainly of members of a same family and was led by a female. They distributed cocaine in Madrid (Spain) that was provided to them by other groups based in a northwest region of the country, one of the most active areas in the provision of cocaine from the countries of origin. The group also had their own procedures to launder money. 4 1-mode matrices person by person from each of the operations described above. Undirected, valued ties. Mambo: 31x31 Juanes:51x51 Jake: 38x38 Acero: 25x25 Relations are communications between individuals. Meaning of tie values is unclear - may represent level of communications activity.
list of igraph objects
Available at Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Reconstructed from Jimenez-Salinas Framis, A. "Illegal networks or criminal organizations: Power, roles and facilitators in four cocaine trafficking structures." In Third Annual Illicit Networks Workshop, Montreal. 2011
Jimenez-Salinas Framis, A. "Illegal networks or criminal organizations: Power, roles and facilitators in four cocaine trafficking structures." In Third Annual Illicit Networks Workshop, Montreal. 2011.
The data comes from a Czech media database called Newton Media Search and involves all major Czech newspapers for the period from 4th June 2013 to 4th June 2014. Actors are: Jana Nagyová, Petr Nečas – former prime minister and his office chief and love affair. Ivan Fuksa, Petr Tluchoř, Marek Šnajdr – deputies of ODS (conservative governing party at that time) Ondrej Páleník, Roman Boček, Jan Pohůnek, Milan Kovanda, Lubomír Poul, Libor Grygárek – high government officials and espionage agents Ivo Rittig, Roman Janoušek, Václav Ryba, Tomáš Hrdlička, Jiří Toman – eminences gris, "godfathers" DATA FORMATS: UCINET, .csv 1-mode matrix 16 x 16 person by person. The ties are co-appearances – every time an actor was mentioned in one article together with any other actor, it is considered to be a tie. Ties are valued on am 11 point scale, where 10 is the strongest tie (Nagyova – Necas). All other ties were transformed by dividing the total number of co-appearances between the two actors by the value of the strongest tie, which gave the percent of the maximal tie. This percentage was then assigned an integer value from range 0 - 9 according to which tenth of percents this particular value falls into. Example: The Fuksa - Nagyova tie reaching 50% of the strongest tie value was assigned a value of 5. The Nagyova - Ryba tie reaching 3% of the max value was assigned zero etc.
igraph object
Data from Tomas Diviák, Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks).
Network of hyperlinks between domestic terrorist group websites in the United States. DATA FORMATS: UCINET, .csv 1-mode matrix 32 x 32 website by website Directed binary ties are based on analysis of hyperlinks between sites.
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks)
Zhou et al. (2005), ‘US domestic extremist groups on the web: link and content analysis’, available at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1511999&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D1511999
This is a dichotomous adjacency matrix of drug users in Hartford. Ties are directed and represent acquaintanceship. The network is a result of two years of ethnographic observations of people's drug habits. NETWORK 1-mode matrix 293x293 person by person, directed ties. Relations are acquaintanceship. Attribute dataset includes ethnicity, gender. Ethnicity codes: 2 = African American; 3 = Puerto Rican/Latino; 1, 5, 6, 7 = white or other Gender codes: 1 = male; 2 = female; 0 = unknown
igraph object
WEEKS, M. R., CLAIR, S., BORGATTI, S. P., RADDA, K. & SCHENSUL, J. J. 2002. Social networks of drug users in high-risk sites: Finding the connections. AIDS and Behaviour, 6, 193-206.
Two Networks of Standing Committee membership. These are overt networks with covert elements. 2-Mode persons to Standing Committees (converted to 1-Mode) 340 x 340 persons by persons undirected binary 450 x 450 persons by persons undirected binary
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Reconstructed by Gemma Edwards from Select Committee 2006 activity report.
Data is on militant organizations between 1985 and 2006. Each node signifies a militant organization or other type of entity that conducts suicide attacks. 1-mode matrix for each year, organization by organization. Undirected, binary ties represent a known physical relationship between agents from different but “connected” organizations.
1985 10 x 10 1986 4 x 4 1990 4 x 4 1993 4 x 4 1994 4 x 4 1995 9 x 9 1996 6 x6 1997 4 x 4 1998 10 x 10 1999 7 x 7 2000 10 x 10 2001 15 x 15 2002 11 x 11 2003 21 x 21 2004 25 x 25 2005 27 x 27 2006 31 x 31
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Reconstructed from Benjamin Acosta & Steven J. Childs (2013) ‘Illuminating the Global Suicide-Attack Network’, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 36:1, 49-76
Benjamin Acosta & Steven J. Childs (2013) ‘Illuminating the Global Suicide-Attack Network’, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 36:1, 49-76
Famous dataset of the terrorists involved in the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Centres in 2011. Data was extracted from news reports and ties range from ‘at school with’ to ‘on same plane’. 1-mode matrix 19 x 19 person by person of trusted prior contacts and 1-mode matrix 61 x 61 of other associates. Ties are undirected and binary. Relations are a mix of prior-contacts like trained together, lived together, financial transactions, at school with, on same flight.
igraph object
Reconstructed at Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks).
Krebs, Valdis E. "Mapping networks of terrorist cells." Connections 24.3 (2002): 43-52.
This is a time series that treat specific attacks as endpoints and depict the evolution of relations between individuals indirectly and directly associated with the sleeper Al Qaeda cell in Hamburg around the time of the 9/11 bombings. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamburg_cell 1-mode stacked matrices 35 x 35 person by person, data for 11 time points. Ties are undirected and valued. Tie codes: 0 = No relation // 1 = Acquaintances/distant family ties (interaction limited to radical organisation activities) // 2 = Friends/Moderately close family (inc co-workers/ roommates) Operational/Org leadership/Operational lies (e.g. worked closely on a bombing together) // 3 = Close friends/family, tight-knit operational cliques.
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
This dataset comes from an investigation into a large heroin trafficking organization in New York City in the 1990s. 1-mode matrix 38x38 person by person. Directed binary relations are communications exchanges / flows of information. Data come from police wiretappings (transcripts of 151 telephone conversations).
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Reconstructed from Natarajan, M. (2006). Understanding the Structure of a Large Heroin Distribution Network: A Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data. Quantitative Journal of Criminology, 22(2), 171-192.
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Reconstructed from Natarajan, M. (2006). Understanding the Structure of a Large Heroin Distribution Network: A Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data. Quantitative Journal of Criminology, 22(2), 171-192.
2-mode dataset describing groups allied to Islamic State and the countries in which they are operating 2-mode matrix 47 x 20 organizations by state, undirected binary ties.
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks)
The data describes relationships between members of the Islamic State supplied to the BBC by IS investigation team. 1-mode matrices 56 x 56 persons by persons undirected binary ties. The data includes three matrices with three types of relationships: Links (relationship definition unknown) Components & friends (former companion, close, friends, close coordination, most important companion, close relationship) Kinship (brothers, brothers working together, young brother, brother, married to sister, son)
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Reconstructed from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-29052475
Describes Italian gang members and their nationalities. No further contextual data available. 1-Mode matrix 67x67 person by person, relations are co-membership of gangs. Attribute data is gang member’s country of origin, coded numerically. No codebook available.
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks)
This is a time series that treat specific attacks as endpoints and depict the evolution of relations between individuals indirectly and directly associated with the 2009 Jakarta bombing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Jakarta_bombings This network draws on the same terrorist activities as the Noordin Top network. 1-mode stacked matrices, 28 x 28 person by person, data for kinship, pre-attack and post-attack. Ties undirected and valued. Codebook available here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/files/Relations_Codebook_Public_Version2.pdf
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
Jemaah Islamiyah cell that was responsible for the Bali bombings in 2002 – i.e. should tally with the other Bali bombing dataset from JJATT. The recording of the interaction of the cell began following the meeting in the Hotel Harem in Denpasar on October 6, when the group was considered to go ‘operationally covert’, and concluded when the majority of the group had left Bali before the implementation of the operation on October 11, 2002. 1-mode matrix 17 x 17 person by person, undirected and valued. Relationships between terrorists concern who exchanged information with whom (communications exchanges). The valued relations represent the strength of the relations between the individuals, with a score of one signifying the weakest relationship such as a single text message or a financial transaction, and five signifying the strongest relationship such as individuals who resided together, or individuals who had numerous weak contacts over the period in question.
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Dataset comes from the publication Koschade, Stuart (2006) A Social Network Analysis of Jemaah Islamiyah: The Applications to Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism Vol. 29(6):pp. 559-575 This data has been reconstructed by Koschade by using the report provided by the international crisis group which collected depositions of JI suspects, court documents, and others Indonesian press reports. (INTERNATIONAL CRISIS GROUP. 2003 ‘Jemaah Islamiyah in South East Asia: Damaged but Still Dangerous’).
These are two datasets about a set of terrorists and the attacks they carry out collected by the MIND Lab at University of Maryland (UMD) (http://www.mindswap.org/). NETWORK 1-mode matrix 645 x 645 organization by organization, directed ties. Ties are co-location of terrorist attacks. 1-mode matrix 260 x 260 organization by organization, directed ties. Ties are co-located terrorist attacks by same organisation.
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks).
Data is on co-offending in a London-based inner-city street gang, 2005-2009, operating from a social housing estate. Data comes from anonymised police arrest and conviction data for ‘all confirmed’ members of the gang. 1-Mode matrix 54 x 54 persons by persons, undirected, valued.
Network tie values: = 1 (hang out together) = 2 (co-offend together) = 3 (co-offend together, serious crime) = 4 (co-offend together, serious crime, kin)
Attributes: Age, Birthplace (1 = West Africa, 2= Caribbean, 3= UK, 4= East Africa), Residence, Arrests, Convictions, Prison, Music.
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks).
Grund, T. and Densley, J. (2015) Ethnic Homophily and Triad Closure: Mapping Internal Gang Structure Using Exponential Random Graph Models. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Vol. 31, Issue 3, pp. 354-370 Grund, T. and Densley, J. (2012) Ethnic Heterogeneity in the Activity and Structure of a Black Street Gang. European Journal of Criminology, Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 388-406.
Bernie Madoff was involved in a massive financial fraud in the USA and was sentenced to 150 years in prison (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Madoff). The network is finance flows between financial institutions and Madoff’s firm. All data for this network was gathered from news stories and court documents found on major media web sites. Read more about the social network underpinnings of this scheme in The Network Thinkers blog post (http://www.thenetworkthinkers.com/2009/02/madoff-feeder-funds.html) 1-mode directed network 61 x 61 firm by firm, showing money flows between banks and other organizations, leading ultimately to Madoff’s firm. Relations are money flows. Arrows show direction of money flow.
igraph object
Freely available, to be reconstructed by Manchester http://orgnet.com/Madoff9.png
The Al Qaeda Operations Attack Series is data that pools the relations of individuals associated with over 10 attacks and individually depicts them for each event. It is not a time series but instead an aggregate attack series best perceived as the variously composed attack teams deployed by Al Qaeda over a decade. 1-mode stacked matrices 272 x 272 person by person, each matrix represents an attack. Undirected ties. Relations are co-participation in an attack. 1-mode stacked matrices 272 x 272 person by person. Undirected ties. Relations are kinship relations. Matrices coded as follows: 0 = No Kinship // 1 = In-laws // 2 = Cousins // 3 = Sibling // 4 = Parent/Child // 5 = Married
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
This is a time series that treat specific attacks as endpoints and depict the evolution of relations between individuals indirectly and directly associated with the Madrid train bombing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Madrid_train_bombings 1-mode stacked matrices 55 x 55 person by person, data on 20 time periods plus kinship data and tie extinguished data. Codebook available here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/files/Relations_Codebook_Public_Version2.pdf
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
Data refers to a terrorist network operating in the Sahel Sahel-Sahara region and describes relationships between Islamists and Tuareg rebels during the Malian conflict. Data comes from a selection of newspaper articles published between 2010 and 2012. “Using social network analysis, our first aim is to illuminate the relationships between the Islamists and the rebels involved in the current Malian conflict. We use a selection of newspaper articles to demonstrate that the connection between Islamists and rebels depends on brokers who passed from the Tuareg rebellion to radical groups. Our second objective is to detail the internal relationships within each of the subgroups. Our findings show how Islamists were affected by the accidental disappearance of one the AQMI regional emirs and how the death of one of the architects of the Tuareg rebellion affected rebel cohesion.” Walther et al., INSNA Sunbelt Conference 2013 1-mode matrix 36x36 person by person Relations derived from interactions, including participation in political or military event, political meetings; trainings in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Libya; combats; negotiations for hostage releases; or involvements with a killing, an abduction, or a bombing.
igraph object
The dataset has been reconstructed from the following publication: Walther, Olivier J., and Dimitris Christopoulos (2015), "Islamic terrorism and the Malian rebellion." Terrorism and Political Violence, 27 (3), 497-519.
Walther, Olivier J., and Dimitris Christopoulos (2015), "Islamic terrorism and the Malian rebellion." Terrorism and Political Violence, 27 (3), 497-519.
Data obtained from the Montreal Police’s central intelligence base, the Automated Criminal Intelligence Information System (ACIIS), was used to reconstruct the organization of drug-distribution operations in Montreal North. These operations were targeted during three separate investigations between 2004 and 2007 by the Montreal Police, who believed that the criminal activities were under the control of one of the more reputed gangs in Montreal—the Bo-Gars (or Handsome Boys, in English). Because the trials extending from two of the investigations were still ongoing at the time of analysis, their names remain confidential and I simply refer to Investigations A, B, and C. Investigation A began in February 2004 and ended in April 2005, with the arrests of 27 individuals who were accused primarily of importing and distributing crack and cocaine in a Montreal North neighborhood. Investigation A was the largest of the three investigations under study and it was the only case to offer electronic surveillance information amongst the available data sources. Investigations B and C, which were direct extensions of observations made during Investigation A, both began during the fall of 2006 and ended in June 2007, with the arrests of 24 individuals who were targeted in Investigation B and 11 individuals targeted in Investigation C. Investigation B concentrated on street dealers of marijuana and crack, while Investigation C focused specifically on the activities of a group of wholesalers who were supplying some of the dealers targeted in Investigation B. Overall, 101 individuals were monitored during the investigations—45 in Investigation A, 30 in Investigation B, and 26 in Investigation C. This list of 101 individuals was used as a starting point to reconstruct the final network. This final network was comprised of 70 participants and was based on information obtained from three data sources. NETWORK 1-mode matrix 35 x 35 organization by organization (Gangs in Montreal). Undirected ties, binary (original network is directed).
Ties are relationships between gangs (as reported in focus groups/interviews with gang members). Attribute data: -- Gang affiliation: 1) Bloods, 2) Crips, or 3) Other -- Gang Ethnicity: 1) Hispanic, 2) Afro-Canadian, 3) Caucasian, 4) Asian, 5) No main association/mixed. -- Territory data: 1) Downtown 2) East 3) West -- Missing data coded as 99
igraph object
The data has been reconstructed from the following article: Karine Descormiers and Carlo Morselli (2011) 'Alliances, Conflicts, and Contradictions in Montreal's Street Gang Landscape' International Criminal Justice Review, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 297-314
Karine Descormiers and Carlo Morselli (2011) 'Alliances, Conflicts, and Contradictions in Montreal's Street Gang Landscape' International Criminal Justice Review, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 297-314
Data is on attendance of suspected members of the Ndrangheta criminal organization at summits (meetings whose purpose is to make important decisions and/or affiliations, but also to solve internal problems and to establish roles and powers) taking place between 2007 and 2009. 2-mode matrix 156 x 47 persons by events (summits), undirected binary ties. Attendance at events have been registered by police authorities through wiretapping and observations during the large investigation called "Operazione Infinito".
igraph object
The data has been reconstructed by the document "ORDINANZA DI APPLICAZIONE DI MISURA COERCITIVA con mandato di cattura - art. 292 c.p.p. -" which is available online at the following address http://www.stampoantimafioso.it/documentazione-antimafia/ordinanze/. Stampo Antimafioso is a project which aims to share information about the Mafia operating in Northem Italy. The dataset has been reconstructed by mostly referring to pp.87-110 of the document named "Operazione Infinito". This report is a judicial document concerning the pre-trial detention order triggered by the the preliminary investigation judge (Giudice per le indagini preliminari) of Milan. With this judicial act, measures of custody and pretrial detention have been ordered for the reported suspected of 'Ndrangheta affiliation.
These data were drawn primarily from "Terrorism in Indonesia: Noordin's Networks," a publication of the International Crisis Group (2006) and include relational data on the 79 individuals listed in Appendix C of that publication. The data were initially coded by Naval Postgraduate School students as part of the course “Tracking and Disrupting Dark Networks” under the direction of Professor Sean Everton, Co-Director of the CORE Lab, and Professor Nancy Roberts. CORE Lab Research Assistant Daniel Cunningham reviewed and cleaned all coding made by students. NETWORK 1-mode stacked matrix 79 x 79 person by person. Ties are undirected. Ties include classmates; friendship; soulmates; co-location of logistical activity; co-attendance at meetings; co-participation in operations; co-attendance at training events; communications; business & financial ties. Codebook available here http://www.thearda.com/archive/files/codebooks/origCB/Noordin%20Subset%20Codebook.pdf
list of igraph objects
Data is available in its original format from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks).
Roberts, Nancy and Sean F. Everton. 2011. Roberts and Everton Terrorist Data: Noordin Top Terrorist Network (Subset).
For a detailed analysis of Noordin top network see: Everton, S. F. (2012) Disrupting dark networks: Cambridge University Press. For a detailed explanation of matrices and the kind of relationship considered see the appendix of the book.
The Paul Revere conspiracy dataset concerns relationships between 254 people and their affiliations with seven different organizations in Boston. The dataset refers to Paul Revere, who was responsible for organizing a local militia of Boston's revolutionary movement (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_Liberty). The dataset was analysed by Kieran Healy of Duke University. This dataset has been reconstructed by looking at the information presented in the appendix of the book ‘Paul Revere's Ride’ published by David Fischer (1994). 2-mode affiliation matrix 254x7 people by organizations, relations refer to membership of organizations; 1-mode matrix 254 x 254 people by people, relations are shared membership of organizations, relations are valued with values indicating number of memberships in common.
list of igraph objects
Freely available: http://kieranhealy.org/blog/archives/2013/06/09/using-metadata-to-find-paul-revere/
Fischer, D. 1994. Paul Revere's ride. Oxford University Press.
Data refers to the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), a violent non-state actor operating in the Southern Philippines. In particular, this data is related to the Salast movement that has been founded by Aburajak Janjalani, a native terrorist of the Southern Philippines in 1991. ASG is active in kidnapping and other kinds of terrorist attacks (Gerdes et al. 2014). The reconstructed 2-mode matrix combines terrorist kidnappers and the terrorist events they have attended. 2-model matrix 246x105 persons by terrorist events, undirected binary relations are participation in events
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/cCV3RJihmG3miPFECpV7/full
Gerdes, Luke M., Kristine Ringler, and Barbara Autin. "Assessing the Abu Sayyaf Group's Strategic and Learning Capacities." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 37, no. 3 (2014): 267-293.
This is a time series that treat specific attacks as endpoints and depict the evolution of relations between individuals indirectly and directly associated with the Philippines bombing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rizal_Day_bombings 1-mode stacked matrices 16 x 16 person by person nodes, data on 11 time periods plus kinship data and tie extinguished data. Codebook available here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/files/Relations_Codebook_Public_Version2.pdf
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
Data is on active Provisional IRA (hereafter PIRA) members between 1970 and 1998. Data collected at the International Center for the Study of Terrorism, Pennsylvania State University. From this data are derived network structures and the nature of dependence within them. The PIRA network comprises the following four types of relationships: (1) involvement in a PIRA activity together, (2) friends before joining PIRA movement, (3) blood relatives, and (4) related through marriage. We treated each relation as a tie and coded whether a tie exists between two members or not. Thus, the networks have, conceptually and technically, binary and symmetric relations between members. Data also includes sociological information of members, such as gender, age, marital status, recruiting age, education (that is, attending university), brigade memberships, non-/violent characteristics, role-related characteristics—senior leader, IED constructor, IED planter, and gunman—and task-related characteristics (that is, foreign operation tasks, and involvement n bank robbery, kidnapping, hijacking, and drugs).
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks).
Paul Gill , Jeongyoon Lee , Karl R. Rethemeyer , John Horgan & Victor Asal (2014) Lethal Connections: The Determinants of Network Connections in the Provisional Irish Republican Army, 1970–1998, International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations, 40:1, 52-78
Data is a social network of the (believed defunct) Greek terrorist group November17 (N17) that was derived from open source reporting (Irwin et al, 2002; Abram and Smith, 2004). 1-mode matrix 22x22 persons by persons. Relations indicate that open source reporting has demonstrated some connection between the two individuals at some point in the past. Attribute data includes… Role 1= Leader (gives orders), 2 = operational (receives orders) Faction 1 = 1st Generation Leadership Faction, 2 = Koufontinas Faction, 3 = Sardanopoulos Faction Resources 1= controls one resource, 2= controls two resources, 3= controls three resources (resources are money, weapons, safe houses) Some attribute data is missing
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). Reconstructed from Rhodes, C.J. and P. Jones, “Inferring Missing Links in Partially Observed Social Networks”, Journal of the Operational Research Society (2009) 60, 1373-1383 For more details of attribute data see Rhodes CJ, Keefe EMJ (2007). Social network topology: A Bayesian approach. J Opl Res Soc 58(12): 1605–1611.
Rhodes, C.J. and P. Jones, “Inferring Missing Links in Partially Observed Social Networks”, Journal of the Operational Research Society (2009) 60, 1373-1383
This is a time series that treat specific attacks as endpoints and depict the evolution of relations between individuals indirectly and directly associated with the Australian Embassy bombing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Australian_Embassy_bombing_in_Jakarta 1-mode stacked matrices 27 x 27 person by person. Data for 11 time periods plus kinship data. Undirected, valued ties.
Tie value codes for kinship matrix: 0 = No Kinship // 1 = In-laws // 2 = Cousins // 3 = Sibling // 4 = Parent/Child // 5 = Married // 6 = Grandparent/Child // 7 = Significant Other Tie value codes for time series matrices: 0 = No relation // 1 = Acquaintances/distant family ties (interaction limited to radical organisation activities) // 2 = Friends/Moderately close family (inc co-workers/ roommates) Operational/Org leadership/Operational lies (e.g. worked closely on a bombing together) // 3 = Close friends/family, tight-knit operational cliques
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
Data is organisation-to-organisation links of terrorist organisations operating in the Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir. Four 1-mode matrices persons by persons for years 2000 (5 x 5), 2001 (25 x25), 2002 (23 x 23), 2003 (18 x 18). Undirected, binary ties are "co-occurrence" mentions of terrorist organisations together in various sources e.g. on-line
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks)
Sudhir Saxena, K. Santhanam, Aparna Basu (2004), 'Application of social network analysis (SNA) to terrorist networks in Jammu & Kashmir’, Strategic Analysis 28(1)
Project Siren began in February 1998 when a port worker informed members of the CERVO group that a container of stolen vehicles had been recently shipped to Ghana. This shipment was subsequently seized at its transit point in Anvers, Belgium. This initial tip and action led to a close monitoring of the suspects involved in the shipment. The investigation continued for 4 months (to June 1998), during which time CERVO members monitored stolen-vehicle shipments intended for Russia, Egypt, Iraq, Italy, and Switzerland. Some vehicles were also resold in Toronto. Overall, 35 cars were retrieved according to the files that were consulted. NETWORK 1-mode matrix 44 x 44 person by person. Ties are undirected. Relations represent communication exchanges between criminals. Data comes from police wiretapping.
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks), reconstructed from Morselli’s book, Inside Criminal Networks http://www.springer.com/social+sciences/criminology/book/978-0-387-09525-7 book page 187, Appendix
Morselli, C., 2009. Inside criminal networks. New York: Springer.
“A client of orgnet – a small, not-for-profit, economic justice organization (EJO) – used social network analysis to assist their city attorney in convicting a group of "slumlords" of various housing violations that the real estate investors had been side-stepping for years. The housing violations, in multiple buildings, included raw sewage leaks, multiple tenant children with high lead levels, eviction of complaining tenants, utility liens of six figures. Set of matrices of ties between real estate agents, businesses, persons, and properties, corresponding to the step-by-step analysis described here http://www.orgnet.com/slumlords.html
1-mode network 5x5 real estate transactions 2-mode network 11x5 owners by properties 1-mode network 11x11 person by person, relations are common ownership of properties 1-mode network 11x11 person by person, relations are family ties 1-mode network 13x13 person by person, relations are family ties 2-mode network 13x9 person by business and properties, relations are business affiliations/ownership 1 mode network 9x9 business/property by business/property, relations are having affiliated persons/owners in common
list of igraph objects
Available at http://www.orgnet.com/slumlords.html and reconstructed at Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks).
The Southeast Asian Aggregate Attack Series collapses all of the individual, Indonesian cases into a single series of relations useful for inspecting a series of behavioural and compositional changes in one terrorist network. 1-mode stacked matrices 109x109 person by person. Kinship, friendship, acquaintanceship, time series, tie formed, tie ended. Codebook available here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/files/Relations_Codebook_Public_Version2.pdf
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
Dataset collected by Gemma Edwards on the Suffragette movement in the UK. “…Relational data were constructed from historical archives, including suffragette letters and speeches, and secondary sources like published auto-biographies and newspaper accounts. This historical material provided not only relational data for quantitative network analysis about the structure of these networks, but rich, narrative accounts about the meaning of ties over time and the perception of the network from those within it. Using historical letters as a source of data on suffragette networks was seen as particularly useful for example, as letters contained relational data in terms of ‘who was writing to whom’, and writers would further ‘talk their ties’ within the course of letter writing. Also, letters tend to be dated, allowing for an analysis of the evolution of ties over time (Edwards and Crossley 2009).
1-mode network 85x85 persons by persons, relations are co-location (1908 visits) 1-mode network 85x85 persons by persons, relations are co-location (1909 visits) 1-mode network 85x85 persons by persons, relations are co-location (1910 visits) 1-mode network 85x85 persons by persons, relations are co-location (1911 visits) 1-mode network 85x85 persons by persons, relations are co-location (1912 visits) 1-mode network 85x85 persons by persons, relations are co-location (1913 visits) 1-mode network 85x85 persons by persons, relations are co-location (Blathwayt visits) 1-mode network 112x112 persons by persons, relations are pre-existing ties (Pankhurst Inner Circle) 2-mode network 13x18 persons by militant acts (Bristol Bath militant acts) 1-mode network 49x49 persons by persons, relations are co-attendence at events (Bristol Bath events) 2-mode network 1216x398 person by arrest date and location (50 all 2M)
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks). http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/842/1/Social_Network_analysis_Edwards.pdf
Edwards, Gemma, and Nick Crossley. "Measures and meanings: exploring the ego-net of Helen Kirkpatrick Watts, militant suffragette." Methodological Innovations Online 4.1 (2009): 37-61.
Edwards, Gemma. "Infectious innovations? The diffusion of tactical innovation in social movement networks, the case of suffragette militancy." Social Movement Studies 13.1 (2014): 48-69.
Edwards, Gemma. Social Movements and Protest. Cambridge University Press, 2014. Crossley, Nick, et al. "Covert social movement networks and the secrecy-efficiency trade off: The case of the UK suffragettes (1906–1914)." Social Networks 34.4 (2012): 634-644.
Data on couples attending swinging parties. 2-mode matrix 57 x 39 couples by events (parties) "Swing units" are a couple attending events with other "swing units".
igraph object
Data from Anne-Marie Niekamp. Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks).
Data collected by the Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems, a research group at Carnegie Mellon University, on the participation of 18 Al Qaeda members in 25 functional tasks underlying the 1998 bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2-Mode persons to Standing Committees. 2-mode matrix 18 x 25 persons to tasks, binary undirected. Relations are participation in tasks.
igraph object
Available from Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS). (2008). Tanzania-Kenya-imoon.xml. Data available online: http://www.casos.cs.cmu.edu/ computational_tools/datasets/internal/tanzania_ kenya/index11.php. Also Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks).
Gerdes, Luke M. (2014), ‘Dependency Centrality from Bipartite Social Networks’, Connections, 34, 1&2
Project Togo began in February 1998 when a Toronto-based ringing operation was dismantled and one of its participants informed the police that he was previously employed by a Montreal businessman who was also active in the resale of stolen vehicles. This initial tip was corroborated soon after by a thief who had been arrested while driving a stolen vehicle. By December 1998, the Togo investigation was under way. It spanned into February 1999 and 20 cars that were destined for France, Ghana, and local buyers in southern Quebec were retrieved. NETWORK 1-mode matrix 33 x 33 person by person. Undirected ties. Ties are communication exchanges between criminals. Data comes from police wiretapping.
igraph object
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks), reconstructed from Morselli’s book, Inside Criminal Networks http://www.springer.com/social+sciences/criminology/book/978-0-387-09525-7 book page 187, Appendix
Morselli, C., 2009. Inside criminal networks. New York: Springer.
This is a time series that treat specific attacks as endpoints and depict the evolution of relations between individuals indirectly and directly associated with the 2002 Bali bombing by Jemaah Islamayah. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Bali_bombings 1-mode stacked matrices 27 x 27 person by person, data for 11 time periods. Ties are undirected and valued. Tie codes: 0 = No relation // 1 = Acquaintances/distant family ties (interaction limited to radical organisation activities) // 2 = Friends/Moderately close family (inc co-workers/ roommates) Operational/Org leadership/Operational lies (e.g. worked closely on a bombing together) // 3 = Close friends/family, tight-knit operational cliques
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
This is a time series that treat specific attacks as endpoints and depict the evolution of relations between individuals indirectly and directly associated with the 2005 Bali bombing by Jemaah Islamayah. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Bali_bombings 1-mode matrix 27 x 27 person by person, data for 11 time periods. Ties are undirected and valued. Tie codes: 0 = No relation // 1 = Acquaintances/distant family ties (interaction limited to radical organisation activities) // 2 = Friends/Moderately close family (inc co-workers/ roommates) Operational/Org leadership/Operational lies (e.g. worked closely on a bombing together) // 3 = Close friends/family, tight-knit operational cliques.
list of igraph objects
Available from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks) or here http://doitapps.jjay.cuny.edu/jjatt/data.php
“When the Mitchell Report on steroid use in Major League Baseball (MLB), was published people were surprised at both the number and names of those who were mentioned. The diagram below shows a network map created from data found in the Mitchell Report. Baseball players are shown as green nodes. Those who were found to be providers of steroids and other illegal performance enhancing substances appear as red nodes. The links reveal the flow of chemicals – from providers to players.” http://orgnet.com/steroids.html 2-mode matrix 72 x 12 of users by providers, relations are the supply of illegal performance enhancing substances. 1-mode matrix 72x72 of player by player, relations are having suppliers in common.
list of igraph objects
Freely available http://orgnet.com/steroids.html and reconstructed by Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks)
The Big Allied And Dangerous (BAAD) project focuses on creation and maintenance of a comprehensive database of terrorist organizational characteristics. This project has created two datasets. The first, BAAD Version 1.0 (BAAD1) contains a single snapshot of 395 terrorist organizations active (meaning they perpetrated at least one attack) between 1998-2005. This dataset grew from the information originally hosted by the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism’s (MIPT) in their Terrorism Knowledge Base (TKB). BAAD1 improved and extended the data available from MIPT through independent verification and coding efforts. The dataset includes both case-by-variables information on each organization and network data. The case-by-variables dataset is available for download currently. The network data will be available for download during the second quarter of 2010. Big Allied and Dangerous, Version 2.0 (BAAD2) seeks to improve upon BAAD1 in multiple ways by (1) providing time series data in yearly slices, (2) expanding the time period forward through 2007, and (3) increasing the number and depth of variables collected and coded. BAAD2 is made up of two major components. The first is the data on organizational variables. These variables include: group name, aliases, homebase, ideology, size, age, structure, financial support, electoral involvement, leadership loss, territorial control, CBRN pursuit or use, and number of incidents, injuries, and fatalities. The second component is the social network data, which characterizes relations between terrorist organizations as well as between countries and terrorist organizations. Relationships are coded for categories such as: suspected ally, ally, faction, splinter group, rival, enemy, target, and state sponsor. This data can then be used to create dynamic network visualizations to show the networks evolving over the 10 years included in the dataset. Data construction for BAAD2 is currently ongoing. NETWORK 2-mode matrix 394 x 65 organization by territory, undirected ties. Ties are location of attacks. 1-mode matrix 394 x 394 organization by organization (co-location of attacks), undirected ties. Attribute data for each organization. Attribute codebook available at: http://www.albany.edu/pvc/lethality_paper__CodeBook.pdf
list of igraph objects
Freely available from http://www.albany.edu/pvc/data.shtml and from Manchester (https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/covert-networks)
Asal, Victor H. and R. Karl Rethemeyer. (2008). “The Nature of the Beast: Terrorist Organizational Characteristics and Organizational Lethality.” Journal of Politics, 70(2): 437-449.
In the 1990s Rick Rosenfeld and Norm White used police records to collect data on crime in St. Louis. They began with five homicides and recorded the names of all the individuals who had been involved as victims, suspects or witnesses. They then explored the files and recorded all the other crimes in which those same individuals appeared. This snowball process was continued until they had data on 557 crime events. Those events involved 870 participants of which: 569 appeared as victims 682 appeared as suspects 195 appeared as witnesses, and 41 were dual (they were recorded both as victims and suspects in the same crime. Their data appear, then, as an 870 by 557, individual by crime event matrix. Victims are coded as 1, suspects as 2, witnesses as 3 and duals as 4.
(bipartite) igraph object
This is the undirected network of people having received the same email in the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is the formal governing body for the United States Democratic Party. A dump of emails of the DNC was leaked in 2016, and this dataset contains persons from that dump as nodes, and an edge when two persons received the same email, i.e., when two persons were on the recipient list of the same email. Multiple edges indicate multiple emails.
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Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://www.rene-pickhardt.de/extracting-2-social-network-graphs-from-the-democratic-national-committee-email-corpus-on-wikileaks/
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
This is the directed network of emails in the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is the formal governing body for the United States Democratic Party. A dump of emails of the DNC was leaked in 2016. Nodes in the network correspond to persons in the dataset. A directed edge in the dataset denotes that a person has sent an email to another person. Since an email can have any number of recipients, a single email is mapped to multiple edges in this dataset, resulting in the number of edges in this network being about twice the number of emails in the dump.
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Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://www.rene-pickhardt.de/extracting-2-social-network-graphs-from-the-democratic-national-committee-email-corpus-on-wikileaks/
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Thirteen male dolphins were observed as they swam in a shallow lagoon. Tabulations were made of who was swimming with whom. The table shows the observed frequencies.
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R. C. Connor, R. A. Smolker and A. F. Richards, 1992, "Dolphin alliances and coalitions," in Coalitions and Alliances in Humans and Other Animals (Eds: A. H. Harcourt and F. B. M. deWaal). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 415-444.
undirected social network recording frequent associations between pairs in a community of 62 dolphins living off Doubtful Sound, New Zealand.
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D. Lusseau, K. Schneider, O. J. Boisseau, P. Haase, E. Slooten, and S. M. Dawson, The bottlenose dolphin community of Doubtful Sound features a large proportion of long-lasting associations, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 54, 396-405 (2003).
D. Lusseau, The emergent properties of a dolphin social network, Proc. R. Soc. London B (suppl.) 270, S186-S188 (2003).
D. Lusseau, Evidence for social role in a dolphin social network, Preprint q-bio/0607048 (http://arxiv.org/abs/q-bio.PE/0607048)
These data arose from an early experiment on computer mediated communication. Fifty academics interested in social network research were allowed to contact each other via an Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES). The data collected consisted of all messages sent plus acquaintance relationships at two time periods (collected via a questionnaire).The data include the 32 actors who completed the study. In addition attribute data on primary discipline and number of citations was recorded.
NUMBER_OF MESSAGES is the total number of messages person i sent to j over the entire period of the study.
The attribute data give the number of citations of the actors work in the social science citation index at the beginning of the study together with a discipline code: 1 = Sociology, 2 = Anthropology, 3 = Mathematics/Statistics, 4 = other. These data are used by Wasserman and Faust in their network analysis book.
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Freeman, S. C. and L. C. Freeman (1979). The networkers network: A study of the impact of a new communications medium on sociometric structure. Social Science Research Reports No 46. Irvine CA, University of California.
Wasserman S. and K. Faust (1994). Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
These data arose from an early experiment on computer mediated communication. Fifty academics interested in social network research were allowed to contact each other via an Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES). The data collected consisted of all messages sent plus acquaintance relationships at two time periods (collected via a questionnaire).The data include the 32 actors who completed the study. In addition attribute data on primary discipline and number of citations was recorded.
TIME_1 and TIME_2 give the reported acquaintance information at the beginning of the study and eight months later. These are coded as follows: 4 = close personal fiend, 3= friend, 2= person I've met, 1 = person I've heard of but not met, and 0 = person unknown to me (or no reply).
The attribute data give the number of citations of the actors work in the social science citation index at the beginning of the study together with a discipline code: 1 = Sociology, 2 = Anthropology, 3 = Mathematics/Statistics, 4 = other. These data are used by Wasserman and Faust in their network analysis book.
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Freeman, S. C. and L. C. Freeman (1979). The networkers network: A study of the impact of a new communications medium on sociometric structure. Social Science Research Reports No 46. Irvine CA, University of California.
Wasserman S. and K. Faust (1994). Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
This is the international E-road network, a road network located mostly in Europe. The network is undirected; nodes represent cities and an edge between two nodes denotes that they are connected by an E-road.
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Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://lovro.lpt.fri.uni-lj.si/support.jsp
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Lovro Subelj and Marko Bajec. Robust network community detection using balanced propagation. Eur. Phys. J. B, 81(3):353–362, 2011.
This is the network of face-to-face contacts of the attendees of the ACM Hypertext 2009 conference. The ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia 2009 (HT 2009, http://www.ht2009.org/) was held in Turin, Italy over three days from June 29 to July 1, 2009. In the network, a node represents a conference visitor, and an edge represents a face-to-face contact that was active for at least 20 seconds. Multiple edges denote multiple contacts. Each edge is annotated with the time at which the contact took place.
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Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://www.sociopatterns.org/
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Lorenzo Isella, Juliette Stehlé, Alain Barrat, Ciro Cattuto, Jean-François Pinton, and Wouter Van den Broeck. What's in a crowd? analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks. J. of Theoretical Biology, 271(1):166–180, 2011.
This network describes the face-to-face behavior of people during the exhibition INFECTIOUS: STAY AWAY in 2009 at the Science Gallery in Dublin. Nodes represent exhibition visitors; edges represent face-to-face contacts that were active for at least 20 seconds. Multiple edges between two nodes are possible and denote multiple contacts. The network contains the data from the day with the most interactions.
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Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://www.sociopatterns.org/
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Lorenzo Isella, Juliette Stehlé, Alain Barrat, Ciro Cattuto, Jean-François Pinton, and Wouter Van den Broeck. What's in a crowd? analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks. J. of Theoretical Biology, 271(1):166–180, 2011.
In 1990 Kadushin collected data from 127 members of the French financial elite. He used various criteria to determine the top 28 and recorded their who-to-whom responses to questions about who was influencential, who were members of the elite and who were friends. He also recorded a large amount of information on their individual backgrounds and characteristics.
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Kadushin, C. 1995. "Friendship among the French financial elite." American Sociological Review 60:202-221.
In 1990 Kadushin collected data from 127 members of the French financial elite. He used various criteria to determine the top 28 and recorded their who-to-whom responses to questions about who was influencential, who were members of the elite and who were friends. He also recorded a large amount of information on their individual backgrounds and characteristics.
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Kadushin, C. 1995. "Friendship among the French financial elite." American Sociological Review 60:202-221.
In 1990 Kadushin collected data from 127 members of the French financial elite. He used various criteria to determine the top 28 and recorded their who-to-whom responses to questions about who was influencential, who were members of the elite and who were friends. He also recorded a large amount of information on their individual backgrounds and characteristics.
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Kadushin, C. 1995. "Friendship among the French financial elite." American Sociological Review 60:202-221.
Breiger & Pattison (1986), in their discussion of local role analysis, use a subset of data on the social relations among Renaissance Florentine families (person aggregates) collected by John Padgett from historical documents. The two relations are business ties (specifically, recorded financial ties such as loans, credits and joint partnerships) and marriage alliances.
As Breiger & Pattison point out, the original data are symmetrically coded. This is acceptable perhaps for marital ties, but is unfortunate for the financial ties (which are almost certainly directed). To remedy this, the financial ties can be recoded as directed relations using some external measure of power - for instance, a measure of wealth. PADGW provides information on (1) each family's net wealth in 1427 (in thousands of lira); (2) the number of priorates (seats on the civic council) held between 1282- 1344; and (3) the total number of business or marriage ties in the total dataset of 116 families (see Breiger & Pattison (1986), p 239).
Substantively, the data include families who were locked in a struggle for political control of the city of Florence in around 1430. Two factions were dominant in this struggle: one revolved around the infamous Medicis (9), the other around the powerful Strozzis (15).
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Breiger R. and Pattison P. (1986). Cumulated social roles: The duality of persons and their algebras. Social Networks, 8, 215-256.
Kent D. (1978). The rise of the Medici: Faction in Florence, 1426-1434. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Breiger & Pattison (1986), in their discussion of local role analysis, use a subset of data on the social relations among Renaissance Florentine families (person aggregates) collected by John Padgett from historical documents. The two relations are business ties (specifically, recorded financial ties such as loans, credits and joint partnerships) and marriage alliances.
As Breiger & Pattison point out, the original data are symmetrically coded. This is acceptable perhaps for marital ties, but is unfortunate for the financial ties (which are almost certainly directed). To remedy this, the financial ties can be recoded as directed relations using some external measure of power - for instance, a measure of wealth. PADGW provides information on (1) each family's net wealth in 1427 (in thousands of lira); (2) the number of priorates (seats on the civic council) held between 1282- 1344; and (3) the total number of business or marriage ties in the total dataset of 116 families (see Breiger & Pattison (1986), p 239).
Substantively, the data include families who were locked in a struggle for political control of the city of Florence in around 1430. Two factions were dominant in this struggle: one revolved around the infamous Medicis (9), the other around the powerful Strozzis (15).
igraph object
Breiger R. and Pattison P. (1986). Cumulated social roles: The duality of persons and their algebras. Social Networks, 8, 215-256.
Kent D. (1978). The rise of the Medici: Faction in Florence, 1426-1434. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
A list of 112 networks of football leagues. A directed link between team A and B indicates that A won a match against B. Note that there can also be an edge from B to A, since most leagues play a double round robin. For the sake of simplicity, all draws were deleted so that there could also be null ties between two teams if both games ended in a draw. The data can be used to experiment with the triad census
list of igraph objects
The networksrecord weekly sociometric preference rankings from 17 men attending the University of Michigan in the fall of 1956; data from week 9 are missing. A "1" indicates first preference, and no ties were allowed.
The men were recruited to live in off-campus (fraternity) housing, rented for them as part of the Michigan Group Study Project supervised by Theodore Newcomb from 1953 to 1956. All were incoming transfer students with no prior acquaintance of one another. After the meeting, Lin Freeman cleaned the data set and made it available on his website. It takes the form of a matrix that records coauthorship among 475 authors who were involved in the production of 295 articles. Cell entries report the number of coaurherships displayed by pairs of authors.
list of 15 igraph objects
Newcomb T. (1961). The acquaintance process. New York: Holt, Reinhard & Winston.
Nordlie P. (1958). A longitudinal study of interpersonal attraction in a natural group setting. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan.
White H., Boorman S. and Breiger R. (1977). Social structure from multiple networks, I. Blockmodels of roles and positions. American Journal of Sociology, 81, 730-780.
The authors studied a herd of six female captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) for two years. They were concerned with the question of whether giraffe associated randomly or patterned their behavior and proximity in a manner indicative of social relationships. Affiliative interaction, proximity, and nearest neighbors for female giraffe living in a large outdoor enclosure were analyzed, and all three measures were nonrandomly distributed, indicating female giraffe had social preferences. Furthermore, preferences were consistent across measures and time, suggesting that adult female giraffe maintain relationships.
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The three different relations (affil, proximity and neighbor) are given in the relation edge attribute.
Brashaw, M. J., M. A. Bloomsmith, T. L. Maple and F. B. Bercovitch. 2007. "The Structure of Social Relationships Among Captive Female Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)." Journal of Comparative Psychology 121:46-53.
Character Interaction Networks for the HBO Series "Game of Thrones" (Season 1-7). These networks were created by parsing fan-generated scripts from https://genius.com/artists/Game-of-thrones. Pairs of characters are connected by (undirected) edges weighted by the number of interactions.
There are five interaction types. Character A and Character B are connected whenever: Character A speaks directly after Character B Character A speaks about Character B Character C speaks about Character A and Character B Character A and Character B are mentioned in the same stage direction Character A and Character B appear in a scene together
list of igraph objects
https://networkofthrones.wordpress.com, Downloaded from https://github.com/mathbeveridge/gameofthrones/
Andrew Beveridge and Michael Chemers, "The Game of 'The Game of Thrones': Networked Concordances and Fractal Dramaturgy", in: Paola Brembilla and Ilaria De Pacalis (eds.), Reading Contemporary Serial Television Universes: A Narrative Ecosystem Framework, Routledge, 2018.
Network of hook-ups of characters in "Grey's Anatomy".
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Cynthia Webster collected friendship data among the 217 residents living at a residence hall located on the Australian National University campus. Residents were interviewed individually at the start of the second semester.
First, they were asked to recall all of their friends who currently lived in the residence hall. They then were provided with a list of all residents and were asked to add anyone whom they also considered a friend, but had forgotten to include. From the complete list of friends, they were asked to indicate the strength of each friendship tie. Most specified three levels of friendship, "best friend," "close friend," and "friend." The data were combined to form a valued, actor-by-actor matrix of reported friendship relations.
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L. C. Freeman, C. M. Webster and D. M. Kirke (1998) "Exploring social structure using dynamic three-dimensional color images." Social Networks 20, 109-118
Records the "peck order" of a flock of 32 White Leghorn hens studied in 1946. A tie from hen a to b means that hen a can peck hen b. The author claims that temporal changes are rare; once a hen dominates another, that pattern persists.
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Guhl, A. M., 1953. Social Behavior of the Domestic Fowl. Manhattan, Kansas: Kansas State College, Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Bulletin 73.
In the fall of 1957. and the spring of 1958. boys in a small high school in Illinois were asked. "What fellows here in school do you go around with most often?" The data are from research reported by Coleman. The data report the direct choices of each of 73 boys at two times. HS1 was recorded in 1957 and HS2 in 1958.
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the edge attribute time contains the time period.
Coleman, J. S. Introduction to Mathermatical Sociology. New York: Free Press, pp.450-451.
These data were collected from the managers of a high-tec company. The company manufactured high-tech equipment on the west coast of the United States and had just over 100 employees with 21 managers. Each manager was asked "To whom do you go to for advice?" and "Who is your friend?" Data for the item "To whom do you report?" was taken from company documents. In addition attribute information was collected. This consisted of the managers age (in years), length of service or tenure (in years), level in the corporate hierarchy (coded 1,2 and 3; 1=CEO, 2 = Vice President, 3 = manager) and department (coded 1,2,3,4 with the CEO in department 0 ie not in a department).
igraph object
Krackhardt D. (1987). Cognitive social structures. Social Networks, 9, 104-134.
These data were collected from the managers of a high-tec company. The company manufactured high-tech equipment on the west coast of the United States and had just over 100 employees with 21 managers. Each manager was asked "To whom do you go to for advice?" and "Who is your friend?" Data for the item "To whom do you report?" was taken from company documents. In addition attribute information was collected. This consisted of the managers age (in years), length of service or tenure (in years), level in the corporate hierarchy (coded 1,2 and 3; 1=CEO, 2 = Vice President, 3 = manager) and department (coded 1,2,3,4 with the CEO in department 0 ie not in a department).
igraph object
Krackhardt D. (1987). Cognitive social structures. Social Networks, 9, 104-134.
These data were collected from the managers of a high-tec company. The company manufactured high-tech equipment on the west coast of the United States and had just over 100 employees with 21 managers. Each manager was asked "To whom do you go to for advice?" and "Who is your friend?" Data for the item "To whom do you report?" was taken from company documents. In addition attribute information was collected. This consisted of the managers age (in years), length of service or tenure (in years), level in the corporate hierarchy (coded 1,2 and 3; 1=CEO, 2 = Vice President, 3 = manager) and department (coded 1,2,3,4 with the CEO in department 0 ie not in a department).
igraph object
Krackhardt D. (1987). Cognitive social structures. Social Networks, 9, 104-134.
When Barry Wellman founded the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) in 1977, he sent a questionnaire to all the founding members. Included were questions on who taught each founder and who each founder taught. This data set is based on their responses.
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K. Reitz and D. R. White, 1989 "Rethinking the Role Concept: Homomorphisms on Social Networks" pp. 429-488 in L.C.Freeman, D.R. White, A.K.Romney, eds., Research Methods in Social Network Analysis. George Mason Press. Reprinted 1992 Transaction Publishers: New Brunswick, NJ.
The data here record a network of jazz bands. The data were obtained from The Red Hot Jazz Archive digital database. The data include 198 bands that performed between 1912 and 1940, with most of the bands performing in the 1920's. In this case each vertex corresponds to a band, and a link between two bands is established if they had at least one musician in common.
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PABLO M. GLEISER and LEON DANON "Community structure in jazz." Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) 2003 Vol: 6 Issue: 4 (December 2003) Page: 565 - 573.
These data are from Justin Grimmer's doctoral dissertation in political science at Harvard. They record instances of joint press releases issued by U. S. Senators.
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Frequencies of observed physical proximities among a collection of 17 free-ranging grey kangaroos. Observations were made in the Nadgee Nature Reserve in New South Wales. There were 18 kangaroos in the original report, but one (number M11) was never observed and is therefore dropped from this network.
Two kinds of dominance ranks are included. One, ss, is the ratio of an animal's number of "successes" to its number of "involvements." The other, ps, is calculated by assigning an animal 2 points for each other animal it bests on more than 50\
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T. R. Grant, "Dominance and association among members of a captive and a free-ranging group of grey kangaroos (Macropus giganthus)," Animal Behaviour, 1973, 21: 449-456.
These are data collected from the members of a university karate club by Wayne Zachary (presence or absence of ties among the members of the club)
Zachary (1977) used these data and an information flow model of network conflict resolution to explain the split-up of this group following disputes among the members.
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Zachary W. (1977). An information flow model for conflict and fission in small groups. Journal of Anthropological Research, 33, 452-473.
These are data collected from the members of a university karate club by Wayne Zachary (relative strength of the associations, i.e. number of situations in and outside the club in which interactions occurred).
Zachary (1977) used these data and an information flow model of network conflict resolution to explain the split-up of this group following disputes among the members.
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Zachary W. (1977). An information flow model for conflict and fission in small groups. Journal of Anthropological Research, 33, 452-473.
This data is about a friendship network in a Dutch school class. The data were collected between September 2003 and June 2004 by Andrea Knecht, supervised by Chris Baerveldt, at the Department of Sociology of the University of Utrecht (NL). The entire study is reported in Knecht (2008).
The 26 students were followed over their first year at secondary school during which friendship networks as well as other data were assessed at four time points at intervals of three months. There were 17 girls and 9 boys in the class, aged 11-13 at the beginning of the school year. Network data were assessed by asking students to indicate up to twelve classmates which they considered good friends.
Delinquency is defined as a rounded average over four types of minor delinquency (stealing, vandalism, graffiti, and fighting), measured in each of the four waves of data collection. The five-point scale ranged from never' to
more than 10 times', and the distribution is highly skewed. In a range of 1-5, the mode was 1 at all four waves, the average rose over time from 1.4 to 2.0, and the value 5 was never observed.
list of four igraph objects
The network contains the following attributes:
"deli" rounded average of four items (stealing, vandalizing, fighting, graffiti); categories: frequency over last three months, 1 = never, 2 = once, 3 = 2-4 times, 4 = 5-10 times, 5 = more than 10 times; 0 = missing
alcoholalcohol "How often did you drink alcohol with friends in the last three months?" categories: 1 = never, 2 = once, 3 = 2-4 times, 4 = 5-10 times, 5 = more than 10 times; 0 = missing. Only waves 2-4
"gender"(1 = girl, 2 = boy)
"ethnic"Ethnicity (1 = Dutch, 2 = other, 0 = missing)
"religion"(1 = Christian, 2 = non-religious, 3 = non-Christian religion, 0 = missing)
Andrea Knecht (2006), Networks and actor attributes in early adolescence, Utrecht, The Netherlands Research School ICS, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University
This data set comes from a network study of corporate law partnership that was carried out in a Northeastern US corporate law firm, referred to as SG&R, 1988-1991 in New England. It includes (among others) measurements of networks among the 71 attorneys (partners and associates) of this firm, i.e. their strong-coworker network, advice network, friendship network, and indirect control networks. Various members' attributes are also part of the dataset, including seniority, formal status, office in which they work, gender, lawschool attended. The ethnography, organizational and network analyses of this case are available in Lazega (2001).
Basic advice network: "Think back over the past year, consider all the lawyers in your Firm. To whom did you go for basic professional advice? For instance, you want to make sure that you are handling a case right, making a proper decision, and you want to consult someone whose professional opinions are in general of great value to you. By advice I do not mean simply technical advice."
Coding: The first 36 respondents are the partners in the firm. The attribute variables are: 1. status (1=partner; 2=associate) 2. gender (1=man; 2=woman) 3. office (1=Boston; 2=Hartford; 3=Providence) 4. years with the firm 5. age 6. practice (1=litigation; 2=corporate) 7. law school (1: harvard, yale; 2: ucon; 3: other)
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Emmanuel Lazega, The Collegial Phenomenon: The Social Mechanisms of Cooperation Among Peers in a Corporate Law Partnership, Oxford University Press (2001).
Tom A.B. Snijders, Philippa E. Pattison, Garry L. Robins, and Mark S. Handcock. New specifications for exponential random graph models. Sociological Methodology (2006), 99-153.
This data set comes from a network study of corporate law partnership that was carried out in a Northeastern US corporate law firm, referred to as SG&R, 1988-1991 in New England. It includes (among others) measurements of networks among the 71 attorneys (partners and associates) of this firm, i.e. their strong-coworker network, advice network, friendship network, and indirect control networks. Various members' attributes are also part of the dataset, including seniority, formal status, office in which they work, gender, lawschool attended. The ethnography, organizational and network analyses of this case are available in Lazega (2001).
Strong coworkers network: "Because most firms like yours are also organized very informally, it is difficult to get a clear idea of how the members really work together. Think back over the past year, consider all the lawyers in your Firm. Would you go through this list and check the names of those with whom you have worked with. (By "worked with" I mean that you have spent time together on at least one case, that you have been assigned to the same case, that they read or used your work product or that you have read or used their work product; this includes professional work done within the Firm like Bar association work, administration, etc.)"
Coding: The first 36 respondents are the partners in the firm. The attribute variables are: 1. status (1=partner; 2=associate) 2. gender (1=man; 2=woman) 3. office (1=Boston; 2=Hartford; 3=Providence) 4. years with the firm 5. age 6. practice (1=litigation; 2=corporate) 7. law school (1: harvard, yale; 2: ucon; 3: other)
igraph object
Emmanuel Lazega, The Collegial Phenomenon: The Social Mechanisms of Cooperation Among Peers in a Corporate Law Partnership, Oxford University Press (2001).
Tom A.B. Snijders, Philippa E. Pattison, Garry L. Robins, and Mark S. Handcock. New specifications for exponential random graph models. Sociological Methodology (2006), 99-153.
This data set comes from a network study of corporate law partnership that was carried out in a Northeastern US corporate law firm, referred to as SG&R, 1988-1991 in New England. It includes (among others) measurements of networks among the 71 attorneys (partners and associates) of this firm, i.e. their strong-coworker network, advice network, friendship network, and indirect control networks. Various members' attributes are also part of the dataset, including seniority, formal status, office in which they work, gender, lawschool attended. The ethnography, organizational and network analyses of this case are available in Lazega (2001).
Friendship network: "Would you go through this list, and check the names of those you socialize with outside work. You know their family, they know yours, for instance. I do not mean all the people you are simply on a friendly level with, or people you happen to meet at Firm functions."
Coding: The first 36 respondents are the partners in the firm. The attribute variables are: 1. status (1=partner; 2=associate) 2. gender (1=man; 2=woman) 3. office (1=Boston; 2=Hartford; 3=Providence) 4. years with the firm 5. age 6. practice (1=litigation; 2=corporate) 7. law school (1: harvard, yale; 2: ucon; 3: other)
igraph object
Emmanuel Lazega, The Collegial Phenomenon: The Social Mechanisms of Cooperation Among Peers in a Corporate Law Partnership, Oxford University Press (2001).
Tom A.B. Snijders, Philippa E. Pattison, Garry L. Robins, and Mark S. Handcock. New specifications for exponential random graph models. Sociological Methodology (2006), 99-153.
Rosengren collected data on Swedish literary critics writing during the stylistic revolution in Swedish literature in 1881 to 1883. He recorded sets of authors, other than the author being reviewed, who were mentioned together in any published literary review in the Swedish press during those years. Then he dropped any pairs that were mentioned together less than five times and he included only those pairs of authors whose proportion of co-mentions was more than three standard errors above its expectation.
igraph object
Rosengren, K. E. (1968). Sociological Aspects of the Literary System. Stockholm: Natur och Culture.
Rosengren, K. E. (1983). The Climate of Literature: Sweden's Literary Frume of Reference, 1953-1976. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Freeman, Linton C. "Boxicity and the Social Context of Swedish Literary Criticism, 1881-1883." Journal of Social and Biological Structures, 9, 1986, 141-149.
This network was constructed from the USA's FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) National Flight Data Center (NFDC), Preferred Routes Database. Nodes in this network represent airports or service centers and links are created from strings of preferred routes recommended by the NFDC.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://research.mssm.edu/maayan/datasets/qualitative_networks.shtml
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Federal Aviation Administration. Air traffic control system command center. http://www.fly.faa.gov/.
This is a network of protein–protein interactions from PDZBase.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://research.mssm.edu/maayan/datasets/qualitative_networks.shtml
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Thijs Beuming, Lucy Skrabanek, Masha Y. Niv, Piali Mukherjee, and Harel Weinstein. PDZBase: A protein–protein interaction database for PDZ-domains. Bioinformatics, 21(6):827–828, 2005.
records dominance relations (a directed tie from a to b means a dominates b) in a colony of 62 adult female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata fuscata). They are known as the "Arashiyama B group." Records were made during the non-mating season, April to early October, 1976. Approach-retreat episodes involving food were recorded.
In addition, the presence of six lineages was reported. The first 4 animals belong to a lineage, and the next 14 belong to another. The following 31 are in a third lineage, and the next 6 are in the fourth. The following 6 are the fifth lineage, and the remaining animal is unrelated to the others.
igraph object
Y. Takahata, "Diachronic changes in the dominance relations of adult female Japanese monkeys of the Arashiyama B group," in Linda Marie Fedigan and Pamela J. Asquith, eds., The Monkeys of Arashiyama. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991, pp. 124-139.
Bruce Kapferer (1969) collected data on men working on the surface in a mining operation in Zambia (then Northern Rhodesia). He wanted to account for the development and resolution of a conflict among the workers. The conflict centered on two men, Abraham and Donald; most workers ended up supporting Abraham.
Kapferer observed and recorded several types of interactions among the workers, including conversation, joking, job assistance, cash assistance and personal assistance. Two miners are connected if they are connected by any of these relations.
igraph object
Kapferer B. (1969). Norms and the manipulation of relationships in a work context. In J Mitchell (ed), Social networks in urban situations. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Doreian P. (1974). On the connectivity of social networks. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 3, 245-258.
Weighted network of co-appearances of characters in Victor Hugo's novel "Les Miserables". Nodes represent characters as indicated by the labels and edges connect any pair of characters that appear in the same chapter of the book. The values on the edges are the number of such coappearances.
igraph object
D. E. Knuth. (1993). The Stanford GraphBase: A Platform for Combinatorial Computing, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA
Interactions of characters in the movie "10 Things I Hate About You" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "2012" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Big" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bear in the Big Blue House" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Big Fish" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Big Lebowski" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Big White" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Birds" (1963)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Birthday Girl" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Black Dahlia" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Black Rain" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Black Snake Moan" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "44 Inch Chest" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Blade" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Blade II" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Blade Runner" (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Blade: Trinity" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Blast from the Past" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Blood Simple." (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Blow" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Blue Velvet" (1986)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bodies, Rest & Motion" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Body Heat" (1981)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "48 Hrs." (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Body of Evidence" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Bodyguard" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bones" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Bonfire of the Vanities" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bonnie and Clyde" (1967)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Boogie Nights" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Book of Eli" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Boondock Saints" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bottle Rocket" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "(500) Days of Summer" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bound" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Bounty Hunter" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Bourne Identity" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Bourne Ultimatum" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Braveheart" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Brazil" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Breakdown" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Breakfast Club" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Brick" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bringing Out the Dead" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "8MM" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Broadcast News" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Broken Arrow" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Broken Embraces" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bruce Almighty" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bull Durham" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Burlesque" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Burn After Reading" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Butterfly Effect" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Cable Guy" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "A Few Good Men" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Capote" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Casino" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cast Away" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Catch Me If You Can" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Cell" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cellular" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Changeling" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Spin City" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Charade" (1963)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Above the Law" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Chasing Sleep" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cherry Falls" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Chinatown" (1974)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Cider House Rules" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Cincinnati Kid" (1965)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cinema Paradiso" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Citizen Kane" (1941)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "City of Joy" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Clash of the Titans" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Absolute Power" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Clerks." (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cliffhanger" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cobb" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Code of Silence" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cold Mountain" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Collateral Damage" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Confidence" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Constantine" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Cooler" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Abyss" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Copycat" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Coraline" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cradle 2 the Grave" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Crank" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Crash" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Crime Spree" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Croupier" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Crow: Salvation" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Crow" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Crow: City of Angels" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cruel Intentions" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Crying Game" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Damned United" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Dances with Wolves" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Dark Star" (1974)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Darkman" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Date Night" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Day of the Dead" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "12" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Adaptation." (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Day the Clown Cried" (1972)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Days of Heaven" (1978)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Dead Poets Society" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Death at a Funeral" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Death to Smoochy" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Deep Cover" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Deep Rising" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Deer Hunter" (1978)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Defiance" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Addams Family" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Departed" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Detroit Rock City" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Devil in a Blue Dress" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Devil's Advocate" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Die Hard" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Distinguished Gentleman" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Disturbia" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Do the Right Thing" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Dog Day Afternoon" (1975)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Donnie Brasco" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Doors" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Double Indemnity" (1944)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Drag Me to Hell" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Dragonslayer" (1981)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Drop Dead Gorgeous" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "A Dry White Season" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Dumb & Dumber" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Dune" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Eagle Eye" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Eastern Promises" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Affliction" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Edtv" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ed Wood" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Eight Legged Freaks" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Election" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Elephant Man" (1980)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Enemy of the State" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The English Patient" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Entrapment" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Erin Brockovich" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "After Life" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Escape from L.A." (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Escape from New York" (1981)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Event Horizon" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Evil Dead" (1981)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Evil Dead II" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Excalibur" (1981)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Extract" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Fabulous Baker Boys" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Agnes of God" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Face/Off" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fair Game" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Family Man" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fantastic Four" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fantastic Mr. Fox" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fargo" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fatal Instinct" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Babette's Feast" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Air Force One" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" (1986)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Fifth Element" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fight Club" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Final Destination" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Final Destination 2" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Five Easy Pieces" (1970)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fletch" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Flintstones" (1960)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Forrest Gump" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Four Feathers" (1915)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Airplane!" (1980)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Four Rooms" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Fracture" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "French Kiss" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Frankenstein" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Freddy vs. Jason" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The French Connection" (1971)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Frequency" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Friday the 13th" (1980)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "From Dusk Till Dawn" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Airplane II: The Sequel" (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Cashback" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Frozen River" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Fugitive" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Funny People" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "G.I. Jane" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Game 6" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Game" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gamer" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gandhi" (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ali" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gang Related" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gangs of New York" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gattaca" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Get Carter" (1971)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Getaway" (1972)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ghost" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ghost Rider" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ghost Ship" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ghost World" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ghostbusters" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Twelve and Holding" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Alien 3" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ghostbusters II" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ginger Snaps" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gladiator" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Go" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Godfather" (1972)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Godfather: Part II" (1974)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gods and Monsters" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Godzilla" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gone in Sixty Seconds" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Good Will Hunting" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Alien Nation" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gothika" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Graduate" (1967)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gran Torino" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Grand Theft Parsons" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Green Mile" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gremlins" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gremlins 2: The New Batch" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Grifters" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Grosse Pointe Blank" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Groundhog Day" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "AVP: Alien vs. Predator" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Grudge" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hackers" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hancock" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Hangover" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hannah and Her Sisters" (1986)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hard to Kill" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Haunting" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "He's Just Not That Into You" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Alien: Resurrection" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Heat" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Heathers" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Heavenly Creatures" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Hebrew Hammer" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hellbound: Hellraiser II" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hellboy" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hellboy II: The Golden Army" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hellraiser" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hellraiser: Deader" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Aliens" (1986)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hellraiser: Hellseeker" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Henry Fool" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "High Fidelity" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Highlander" (1986)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Highlander: Endgame" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "His Girl Friday" (1940)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hollow Man" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Honeydripper" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Horse Whisperer" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "All About Eve" (1950)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Kingdom" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hostage" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hot Tub Time Machine" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hotel Rwanda" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "House of 1000 Corpses" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Hudson Hawk" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Hudsucker Proxy" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Human Nature" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "I Am Sam" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "I Love You Phillip Morris" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "All About Steve" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "I'll Do Anything" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "I, Robot" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Ice Storm" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "In the Loop" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Independence Day" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1981)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "All the King's Men" (1949)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Insider" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Insomnia" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Into the Wild" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Intolerable Cruelty" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Inventing the Abbotts" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Invention of Lying" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Island" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" (1946)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "It's Complicated" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Almost Famous" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Italian Job" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Jacket" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jackie Brown" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jacob's Ladder" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jason X" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jaws" (1975)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jaws 2" (1978)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jennifer Eight" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jennifer's Body" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Alone in the Dark" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jerry Maguire" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "JFK" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jimmy and Judy" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "John Q" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Juno" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jurassic Park" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Jurassic Park III" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Kalifornia" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Kate & Leopold" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "127 Hours" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Amadeus" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Kids" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Kill Bill: Vol. 1" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Killing Zoe" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "King Kong" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The King of Comedy" (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The King's Speech" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Klute" (1971)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Kramer vs. Kramer" (1979)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Kundun" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Amelia" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Kung Fu Panda" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "L.A. Confidential" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Ladykillers" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Lake Placid" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Land of the Dead" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Last Boy Scout" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Last Chance Harvey" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Last Flight of Noah's Ark" (1980)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Last of the Mohicans" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Last Samurai" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "American Beauty" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Last Station" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Law Abiding Citizen" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Leaving Las Vegas" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Legion" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Leviathan" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Liar Liar" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Life" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Life as a House" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Life of David Gale" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Light Sleeper" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "American Gangster" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Limey" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Little Athens" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Little Nicky" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Living in Oblivion" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Logan's Run" (1976)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Lone Star" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Long Kiss Goodnight" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Lord of Illusions" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "American History X" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Lord of War" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Losers" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Lost Highway" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Lost Horizon" (1937)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Lost in Space" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Lost in Translation" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Love & Basketball" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Magnolia" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Majestic" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "American Pie" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Major League" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Malcolm X" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Malibu's Most Wanted" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Man in the Iron Mask" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Man on Fire" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Man on the Moon" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Knight and Day" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (1956)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Man Who Wasn't There" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The American President" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Manhunter" (1986)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Margot at the Wedding" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Desperado" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Marley & Me" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Marty" (1955)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Mask" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Matrix Reloaded" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Matrix" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Max Payne" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Meet Joe Black" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "American Psycho" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Megamind" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Memento" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Men in Black" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Men Who Stare at Goats" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Subway" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Miami Vice" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Midnight Cowboy" (1969)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Milk" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mimic" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "American Shaolin" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mini's First Time" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Minority Report" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mirrors" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mission: Impossible" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mission: Impossible II" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mission to Mars" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Monkeybone" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Moon" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Moonstruck" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House" (1948)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "American Splendor" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mr. Brooks" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" (1936)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mulholland Dr." (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mumford" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Mummy" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Music of the Heart" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "My Best Friend's Wedding" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "My Girl" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "My Mother Dreams the Satan's Disciples in New York" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "1492: Conquest of Paradise" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "An American Werewolf in London" (1981)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Mystery Men" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Nashville" (1975)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Natural Born Killers" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Newsies" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Next" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Next Friday" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Next Three Days" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Nick of Time" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "An Education" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Nines" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ninja Assassin" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ninotchka" (1939)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Notting Hill" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Nurse Betty" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Observe and Report" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Wicker Park" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ocean's Eleven" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ocean's Twelve" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Analyze That" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (1975)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ordinary People" (1980)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Orphan" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Other Boleyn Girl" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Out of Sight" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Pacifier" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Panic Room" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Patriot" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pearl Harbor" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Peeping Tom" (1960)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Analyze This" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "A Perfect World" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pet Sematary" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pet Sematary II" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Petulia" (1968)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Philadelphia" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Phone Booth" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pi" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Pianist" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Piano" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pineapple Express" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Anastasia" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pitch Black" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Planet of the Apes" (1968)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Platinum Blonde" (1931)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Platoon" (1986)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pleasantville" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Point Break" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Il Postino: The Postman" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Power of One" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Precious" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Angel Eyes" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Predator" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pretty Woman" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Princess Bride" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes" (1970)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Jack Benny Program" (1950)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Prophecy" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Proposal" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Psycho" (1960)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Public Enemies" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Pulp Fiction" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Angels & Demons" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Punch-Drunk Love" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Purple Rain" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Queen of the Damned" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Queen" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Rachel Getting Married" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Raging Bull" (1980)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Raising Arizona" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Rambling Rose" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Rambo: First Blood Part II" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Reader" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Annie Hall" (1977)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Real Genius" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Rear Window" (1954)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Red Planet" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Relic" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Remember Me" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Replacements" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Reservoir Dogs" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Resident Evil" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Revolutionary Road" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ring" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Anniversary Party" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "RKO 281" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Road" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Rock" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "RocknRolla" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Rocky" (1976)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" (1975)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Romeo Juliet" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Ronin" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Gunsmoke" (1953)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Antitrust" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Ruins" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Runaway Bride" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Rush Hour" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Rush Hour 2" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Donnie Darko" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Saint" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Salton Sea" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Sandlot" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Save the Last Dance" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Saving Private Ryan" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "15 Minutes" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Antz" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Scarface" (1983)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Schindler's List" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Scream" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Scream 2" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Scream 3" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Se7en" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Searchers" (1956)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Semi-Pro" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sense and Sensibility" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Serenity" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Apartment" (1960)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Serial Mom" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sex and the City" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sex, Lies, and Videotape" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sexual Life" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Shakespeare in Love" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Shallow Grave" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Shampoo" (1975)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "She's Out of My League" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sherlock Holmes" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Apocalypse Now" (1979)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Shining" (1980)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Shipping News" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "They Came from Within" (1975)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sideways" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Siege" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Signs" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Silver Bullet" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "S1m0ne" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sister Act" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Apt Pupil" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Sixth Sense" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sleepless in Seattle" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sleepy Hollow" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sling Blade" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Slither" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Smokin' Aces" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Snatch" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Snow Falling on Cedars" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "So I Married an Axe Murderer" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Army of Darkness" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Solaris" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Soldier" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Someone to Watch Over Me" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Something's Gotta Give" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Spanglish" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Spare Me" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Meet the Spartans" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Speed Racer" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sphere" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Spider-Man" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "As Good as It Gets" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Trek" (1966)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Trek: First Contact" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Trek: Generations" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Trek: Insurrection" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (1979)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" (1977)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi" (1983)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" (1980)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Assassins" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Starman" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Starship Troopers" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "State and Main" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Station West" (1948)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Stepmom" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Sting" (1973)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Stir of Echoes" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Storytelling" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Strange Days" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Strangers on a Train" (1951)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Assignment" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sugar" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sugar & Spice" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sunset Blvd." (1950)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sunshine Cleaning" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Superbad" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Surfer King" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Suspect Zero" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Sweet Hereafter" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Sweet Smell of Success" (1957)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Swingers" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "At First Sight" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Swordfish" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Synecdoche, New York" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Taking Lives" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Taking Sides" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Talented Mr. Ripley" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Taxi Driver" (1976)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Terminator" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Terminator Salvation" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Thelma & Louise" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "They" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Thing" (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Thirteen Days" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "This Boy's Life" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Three Kings" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Kings of the Turf" (1941)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "3 Men and a Baby" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Three Musketeers" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Thunderheart" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Timber Falls" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "17 Again" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Time Machine" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Tin Cup" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Titanic" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "TMNT" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "To Sleep with Anger" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Tombstone" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Tomorrow Never Dies" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Top Gun" (1986)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Total Recall" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Autumn in New York" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Tourist" (2010)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Toy Story" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Traffic" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Trainspotting" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Transformers: The Movie" (1986)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Tremors" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "TRON" (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Tropic Thunder" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "True Lies" (1994)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "True Romance" (1993)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Avatar" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Truman Show" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Twilight" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "New Moon" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Twin Peaks" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Dead Ringers" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Two for the Money" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "U Turn" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Unbreakable" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Up" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Up in the Air" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Avengers" (1961)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Usual Suspects" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "V for Vendetta" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Valkyrie" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Vanilla Sky" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Verdict" (1982)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Very Bad Things" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Virtuosity" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Wag the Dog" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "A Walk to Remember" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Walking Tall" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Awakenings" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Wall Street" (1987)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "WALL-E" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Wanted" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "War of the Worlds" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Warm Springs" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Watchmen" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "We Own the Night" (2007)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "What About Bob?" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "What Lies Beneath" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "When a Stranger Calls" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Babel" (2006)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "While She Was Out" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "White Christmas" (1954)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "White Jazz" (2012)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "White Squall" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Whiteout" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Wild at Heart" (1990)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Wild Bunch" (1969)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Where the Wild Things Are" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Wild Wild West" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bachelor Party" (1984)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Willow" (1988)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Witness" (1985)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Wonder Boys" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Woodsman" (2004)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Wrestler" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The X Files" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "X-Men" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "xXx" (2002)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Yes Man" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Backdraft" (1991)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "You Can Count on Me" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "You've Got Mail" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Youth in Revolt" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Zerophilia" (2005)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bad Boys" (1995)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bad Day at Black Rock" (1955)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "One Eight Seven" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans" (2009)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bad Santa" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Badlands" (1973)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bamboozled" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Barry Lyndon" (1975)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Basic" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Basic Instinct" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Basquiat" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Batman" (1989)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Batman Returns" (1992)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Battle of Algiers" (1966)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Battle of Shaker Heights" (2003)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Beach" (2000)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Bean" (1997)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Beavis and Butt-Head Do America" (1996)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Being Human" (2008)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Being John Malkovich" (1999)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Being There" (1979)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "The Believer" (2001)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
Interactions of characters in the movie "Beloved" (1998)
igraph object
The networks were built with a movie script parser. Even after multiple manual checks, the data set can still contain minor errors (e.g. typos in character names or wrongly parsed names). This may require some additional manual checks before using the data. Please report any such issues (https://github.com/schochastics/networkdata/issues/)
Kaminski, Jermain; Schober, Michael; Albaladejo, Raymond; Zastupailo, Oleksandr; Hidalgo, César, 2018, Moviegalaxies - Social Networks in Movies, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/T4HBA3, Harvard Dataverse, V3
coauthorship network of scientists working on network theory and experiment, as compiled by Mark Newman in May 2006. The network was compiled from the bibliographies of two review articles on networks, M. E. J. Newman, SIAM Review 45, 167-256 (2003) and S. Boccaletti et al., Physics Reports 424, 175-308 (2006), with a few additional references added by hand. The version given here contains all components of the network, for a total of 1589 scientists, and not just the largest component of 379 scientists previously published. The network is weighted, with weights assigned directly in terms of the number of collaborations between authors and inversely in terms of the number of other authors involved. This weighting is described in M. E. J. Newman, Phys. Rev. E 64, 016132 (2001).
igraph object
M. E. J. Newman, Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices, Preprint physics/0605087 (2006).
This Network contains friendships between users of the website hamsterster.com. The network contains many vertex attributes about the pet.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
This data set was prepared by Ron Burt. He dug out the 1966 data collected by Coleman, Katz and Menzel on medical innovation. They had collected data from physicians in four towns in Illinois, Peoria, Bloomington, Quincy and Galesburg.
They were concerned with the impact of network ties on the physicians' adoprion of a new drug, tetracycline. Three sociometric matrices were generated. One was based on the replies to a question, "When you need information or advice about questions of therapy where do you usually turn?" A second stemmed from the question "And who are the three or four physicians with whom you most often find yourself discussing cases or therapy in the course of an ordinary week – last week for instance?" And the third was simply "Would you tell me the first names of your three friends whom you see most often socially?"
In addition, records of prescriptions were reviewed and a great many other questions were asked. In the ATTRIBUTES data I have included 13 items: city of practice, recorded date of tetracycline adoption date, years in practice, meetings attended, journal subscriptions, free time activities, discussions, club memberships, friends, time in the community, patient load, physical proximity to other physicians and medical specialty.
igraph object
The codes are: City: 1 Peoria, 2 Bloomington, 3 Quincy, 4 Galesburg
Adoption Date: 1 November, 1953 2 December, 1953 3 January, 1954 4 February, 1954 5 March, 1954 6 April, 1954 7 May, 1954 8 June, 1954 9 July, 1954 10 August, 1954 11 September, 1954 12 October, 1954 13 November, 1954 14 December, 1954 15 December/January, 1954/1955 16 January/February, 1955 17 February, 1955 18 no prescriptions found 98 no prescription data obtained Year started in the profession 1 1919 or before 2 1920-1929 3 1930-1934 4 1935-1939 5 1940-1944 6 1945 or later 9 no answer Have you attended any national, regional or state conventions of professional societies during the last 12 months? (if yes) Which ones? 0 none 1 only general meetings 2 specialty meetings 9 no answer Which medical journals do you receive regularly? 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine or more 9 no answer With whom do you actually spend more of your free time -- doctors or non-doctors? 1 non-doctors 2 about evenly split between them 3 doctors 9 mssing; no answer, don't know When you are with other doctors socially, do you like to talk about medical matter? 1 no 2 yes 3 don't care 9 missing; no answer, don't know Do you belong to any club or hobby composed mostly of doctors? 0 no 1 yes 9 no answer Would you tell me who are your three friends whom you see most often socially? What is (their) occupation? 1 none are doctors 2 one is a doctor 3 two are doctors 4 three are doctors 9 no answer How long have you been practicing in this community? 1 a year or less 2 more than a year, up to two years 3 more than two years, up to five years 4 more than five years, up to ten years 5 more than ten years, up to twenty years 6 more than twenty years 9 no answer About how many office visits would you say you have during the average week at this time of year? 1 25 or less 2 26-50 3 51-75 4 76-100 5 101-150 6 151 or more 9 missing; no answer, don't know Are there other physicians in this building? (if yes) Other physicians in same office or with same waiting room? 1 none in building 2 some in building, but none share his office or waiting room 3 some in building sharing his office or waiting room 4 some in building perhaps sharing his office or waiting room 9 no answer Do you specialize in any particular field of medicine? (if yes) What is it? 1 GP, general practitioner 2 internist 3 pediatrician 4 other specialty 9 no answer
Coleman, J. S. Introduction to Mathermatical Sociology. New York: Free Press, pp.450-451.
The data were compiled by Lada Adamic and Natalie Glance. Links between blogs were automatically extracted from a crawl of the front page of the blog. In addition the authors drew on various sources (blog directories, and incoming and outgoing links and posts around the time of the 2004 presidential election) and classified the first 758 blogs as left-leaning and the remaining 732 as right-leaning.
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Lada A. Adamic and Natalie Glance, "The political blogosphere and the 2004 US election", Proceedings of the WWW-2005 Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem (2005)
Nodes represent books about US politics sold by the online bookseller Amazon.com. Edges represent frequent co-purchasing of books by the same buyers, as indicated by the "customers who bought this book also bought these other books" feature on Amazon.
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Valdis Krebs, unpublished, http://www.orgnet.com/
weights are the number of occasions in which the row pony threatened the column pony.
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T.H.Cluton-Brock, J.P.Greenwood and R.P.Powell, 1976, "Ranks and Relationships in Highland Ponies and Highland Cows," Zeitschrift Tierpsychologie, 41, 202-216.
M.W.Schein and M.W.Frohman, 1955, "Social Dominance Relationships in a Herd of Dairy-Cattle," British Journal of Animal Behaviour, 3, 45-55 (1955).
This undirected network contains information about the power grid of the Western States of the United States of America. An edge represents a power supply line. A node is either a generator, a transformator or a substation.
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Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://toreopsahl.com/datasets/#uspowergrid
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Duncan J. Watts and Steven H. Strogatz. Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks. Nature, 393(1):440–442, 1998.
One research area in biology in which centralities have been applied is protein-protein interaction. Interactions between proteins are common. They play an important part in every process involving living cells. Knowledge about how they interact can lead to better understanding of a great many diseases and it can help in the design of appropriate therapies.
Often studies of protein-protein interaction generate huge data sets. In the letter in Nature that was mentioned above, Jeong, Mason, Barabasi and Oltvai (2001) examined a data matrix that contained interactions linking 2114 proteins contained in yeast. Earlier experimental work had demonstrated that some of the protein molecules in yeast were lethal; if they were removed the yeast would die. Removing others, however, had no such dramatic effect. So Jeong et al. examined the question of whether the structural properties of those proteins, in particular their degree centralities, could predict which proteins were lethal and which ones were not. Their results showed that proteins of high degree were far more likely to be lethal than those of lower degree.
Subsequent articles (cited below) questioned these results. The argument was that gaps in the data called the whole analysis into question.
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Jeong, H., S. P. Mason, A.-L. Barabasi and Z. N. Oltvai. (2001). "Lethality and centrality in protein networks." Nature 411(6833): 41-42.
S. Coulomb, M. Bauer, D. Bernard, and M.-C. Marsolier-Kergoat. (2005). "Gene essentiality and the topology of protein interaction networks", Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Volume 272, Number 1573:1721-1725.
J-D. Han, D. Dupuy, N. Bertin, M. E. Cusick, and M. Vidal. (2005). "Effect of sampling on topology predictions of protein-protein interaction networks", Nature Biotechnology 23 (7):839-844.
M. Stumpf, C. Wiuf, and R. May. (2005). "Subnets of scale-free networks are not scale-free: Sampling properties of networks", PNAS 102 (12):4221-4224.
This is the internal email communication network between employees of a mid-sized manufacturing company. The network is directed and nodes represent employees. The left node represents the sender and the right node represents the recipient. Edges between two nodes are individual emails.
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Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://www.ii.pwr.wroc.pl/~michalski/index.php?content=datasets#manufacturing
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Radoslaw Michalski, Sebastian Palus, and Przemyslaw Kazienko. Matching organizational structure and social network extracted from email communication. In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, volume 87, pages 197–206. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
observed grooming episodes in a community of free ranging rhesus monkeys in Cayo Santiago observed in June and July of 1963. Seven are males (066, ER, R006, EZ, EC, CY and CN) and the other nine are females.
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D. S. Sade, "Sociometrics of Macaca mulatta: Linkages and cliques in grooming matrices," Folia Primatologica, 1972, 18: 196-223.
longitudinal, 3 waves, networks and behavior
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Data downloaded from https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena/siena_datasets.htm
Sampson recorded the social interactions among a group of monks while resident as an experimenter on vision, and collected numerous sociometric rankings. During his stay, a political "crisis in the cloister" resulted in the expulsion of four monks (Nos. 2, 3, 17, and 18) and the voluntary departure of several others - most immediately, Nos. 1, 7, 14, 15, and 16. (In the end, only 5, 6, 9, and 11 remained).
Most of the present data are retrospective, collected after the breakup occurred. They concern a period during which a new cohort entered the monastery near the end of the study but before the major conflict began. The exceptions are "liking" data gathered at three times: SAMPLK1 to SAMPLK3 - that reflect changes in group sentiment over time (SAMPLK3 was collected in the same wave as the data described below). Information about the senior monks was not included.
Four relations are coded, with separate matrices for positive and negative ties on the relation. Each member ranked only his top three choices on that tie. The relations are esteem (SAMPES) and disesteem (SAMPDES), liking (SAMPLK) and disliking (SAMPDLK), positive influence (SAMPIN) and negative influence (SAMPNIN), praise (SAMPPR) and blame (SAMPNPR). In all rankings 3 indicates the highest or first choice and 1 the last choice. (Some subjects offered tied ranks for their top four choices).
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the different relations are given in a list of networks in the same order as given in the description.
Breiger R., Boorman S. and Arabie P. (1975). An algorithm for clustering relational data with applications to social network analysis and comparison with multidimensional scaling. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 12, 328-383.
Sampson, S. (1969). Crisis in a cloister. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Cornell University.
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "A Comedy of Errors"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Henry IV"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Henry V"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Henry VI Part 1"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Henry VI Part 2"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Henry VI Part 3"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Henry VIII"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "King John"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "King Lear"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Loves Labours Lost"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer nights dream"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "macbeth"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Measure for measure"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Merry Wives of Windsor"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Much Ado about nothing"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Othello"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Pericles"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Richard II"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Richard III"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "A Winters Tale"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "The Tempest"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Timon of Athens"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Titus Andronicus"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Alls well that ends well"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleopatra"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "As you like it"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Coriolanus"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Cymbeline"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
scene co-occurences in Shakespeare's "Hamlet"
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Raw data downloaded from https://github.com/mallaham/Shakespeare-Plays
Data record wins and losses for 28 female bighorn sheep observed on the National Bison Range in 1984. the weight of a tie from a to b is the number of occasions on which a was observed dominating b. Ages are listed, but those assigned an age of 9 are at least 9 years old; they may be older.
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Christine Hass, "Social status in female bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis): expression, development and reproductive correlates." Journal of the Zoological Society of London, 1991, 225: 509-523.Station, Technical Bulletin 73.
Chris McCarty prepared a data set for the 2008 INSNA meeting in St. Pete. He recorded all the coauthorships in the Social Networks journal from the beginning to provide a network of networkers. The result was a t-shirt with a graphic design that was sold at the meeting. After the meeting, Lin Freeman cleaned the data set and made it available on his website. It takes the form of a matrix that records coauthorship among 475 authors who were involved in the production of 295 articles. Cell entries report the number of coaurherships displayed by pairs of authors.
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These data were collected by Davis et al. in the 1930s. They represent observed attendance at 14 small social events by 18 Southern women.
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Breiger R. (1974). The duality of persons and groups. Social Forces, 53, 181-190.
Davis, A. et al. (1941). Deep South. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Scene Co-occurrence of Star Wars Characters (Episode 1-7)
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Data downloaded from https://github.com/evelinag/StarWars-social-network
This was a study of windsurfers on a beach in southern California during the fall of 1986. The windsurfing community was fairly clearly divided into at least two sub-communities. Members of each community seemed, to some degree, to limit their interaction to fellow group members. Contacts between members of the two groups occurred, but these were less frequent. Observations of 43 individuals were made for 31 days. All interpersonal contacts among collections of these individuals were recorded.
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L. C. Freeman, S. C. Freeman and A. G. Michaelson "On Human Social Intelligence." Journal of Social and Biological Structures, 11, 1988, 415-425.
L. C. Freeman, S. C. Freeman and A. G. Michaelson "How Humans See Social Groups: A Test of the Sailer-Gaulin Models." Journal of Quantitative Anthropology, 1, 1989, 229-238.
This was a study of windsurfers on a beach in southern California during the fall of 1986. The windsurfing community was fairly clearly divided into at least two sub-communities. Members of each community seemed, to some degree, to limit their interaction to fellow group members. Contacts between members of the two groups occurred, but these were less frequent. Observations of 43 individuals were made for 31 days. All interpersonal contacts among collections of these individuals were recorded (see surfersb). Then all 43 individuals were interviewed following the end of observation. Data on each individual's perception of social affiliations were collected. The perceptual data were generated by asking each subject to perform a sequence of card sorting tasks that assigned an index of the perceived closeness of every individual on the beach to each of the other individuals.
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L. C. Freeman, S. C. Freeman and A. G. Michaelson "On Human Social Intelligence." Journal of Social and Biological Structures, 11, 1988, 415-425.
L. C. Freeman, S. C. Freeman and A. G. Michaelson "How Humans See Social Groups: A Test of the Sailer-Gaulin Models." Journal of Quantitative Anthropology, 1, 1989, 229-238.
Bruce Kapferer (1972) observed interactions in a tailor shop in Zambia (then Northern Rhodesia) over a period of ten months. His focus was the changing patterns of alliance among workers during extended negotiations for higher wages.
Kapferer recorded two two different types of interaction, recorded at two different times (seven months apart) over a period of one month. This network includes the"sociational" (friendship, socioemotional) interactions.
The data are particularly interesting since an abortive strike occurred after the first set of observations, and a successful strike took place after the second.
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Kapferer B. (1972). Strategy and transaction in an African factory. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Bruce Kapferer (1972) observed interactions in a tailor shop in Zambia (then Northern Rhodesia) over a period of ten months. His focus was the changing patterns of alliance among workers during extended negotiations for higher wages.
Kapferer recorded two two different types of interaction, recorded at two different times (seven months apart) over a period of one month. This network includes the"instrumental" (work- and assistance-related) interactions at the two times
The data are particularly interesting since an abortive strike occurred after the first set of observations, and a successful strike took place after the second.
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Kapferer B. (1972). Strategy and transaction in an African factory. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
These data represent the relation of gift-giving (taro exchange) among 22 households in a Papuan village. Hage & Harary (1983) used them to illustrate a graph hamiltonian cycle. Schwimmer points out how these ties function to define the appropriate persons to mediate the act of asking for or receiving assistance among group members.
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Hage P. and Harary F. (1983). Structural models in anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schwimmer E. (1973). Exchange in the social structure of the Orokaiva. New York: St Martins.
Jose A. Rodriguez of the University of Barcelona created a network of the individuals involved in the bombing of commuter trains in Madrid on March 11, 2004. Rodriguez used press accounts in the two major Spanish daily newspapers (El Pais and El Mundo) to reconstruct the terrorist network. The names included were of those people suspected of having participated and their relatves. Four relations were recorded: Rodriguez specified 4 kinds of ties linking theindividuals involved: 1. Trust--friendship (contact, kinship, links in the telephone center). 2. Ties to Al Qaeda and to Osama Bin Laden. 3. Co-participation in training camps and/or wars. 4. Co-participation in previous terrorist Attacks (Sept 11, Casablanca). These four were added together providing a "strength of connection" index that ranges from 1 to 4.
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Hayes, Brian. 2006. "Connecting the dots." American Scientist 94 (5):400-404.
This bipartite network contains user posts to forums. The users are students at the University of California, Irvine. An edge represents the number of times a (P)erson posted in a (F)orum.
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Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://toreopsahl.com/datasets/#online_forum_network
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Tore Opsahl and Pietro Panzarasa. Triadic closure in two-mode networks: Redefining the global and local clustering coefficients. Social Networks, 34, 2011.
This directed network contains sent messages between the users of an online community of students from the University of California, Irvine. A node represents a user. A directed edge represents a sent message. Multiple edges denote multiple messages.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://toreopsahl.com/datasets/#online_social_network
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Tore Opsahl and Pietro Panzarasa. Clustering in weighted networks. Social Networks, 31(2):155–163, 2009.
This bipartite network denotes which languages are spoken in which countries. Nodes are countries and languages; edge weights denote the proportion (between zero and one) of the population of a given country speaking a given language. To quote the Unicode data description: "The main goal is to provide approximate figures for the literate, functional population for each language in each territory: that is, the population that is able to read and write each language, and is comfortable enough to use it with computers."
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/25/supplemental/territory_language_information.html
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
These are the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia of the United States of America (the USA). They include all states except the states of Alaska and Hawaii, which are not connected by land with the other states, and include the District of Columbia (DC). An edge denotes that two states share a border. The US states in the configuration given by this dataset exist since February 14, 1912, when Arizona was admitted as the 48th state, and is current as of 2014. The states of Alaska and Hawaii were admitted as the 49th and 50th states in 1959, but are not contiguous with the other states, and are not reflected in this dataset.
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Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~uno/sgb.html
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 0: Introduction to Combinatorial and Boolean Functions. Addison-Wesley, 2008.
This is the directed network of flights between US airports in 2010. Each edge represents a connection from one airport to another, and the weight of an edge shows the number of flights on that connection in the given direction, in 2010.
igraph object
Data downloaded from http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ orginaly from http://toreopsahl.com/datasets/#usairports
Jerome Kunegis. KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Web Observatory Workshop, pages 1343-1350, 2013.
Tore Opsahl. Why anchorage is not (that) important: Binary ties and sample selection, 2011.
These are the observational data on 14 Western Electric (Hawthorne Plant) employees from the bank wiring room first presented in Roethlisberger & Dickson (1939). The data are better known through a scrutiny made of the interactions in Homans (1950), and the CONCOR analyses presented in Breiger et al (1975).
The employees worked in a single room and include two inspectors (I1 and I3), three solderers (S1, S2 and S3), and nine wiremen or assemblers (W1 to W9). The interaction categories include: RDGAM, participation in horseplay; RDCON, participation in arguments about open windows; RDPOS, friendship; RDNEG, antagonistic (negative) behavior; RDHLP, helping others with work; and RDJOB, the number of times workers traded job assignments.
The dataset only includes the positive and negative ties, making it a signed network
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Breiger R., Boorman S. and Arabie P. (1975). An algorithm for clustering relational data with applications to social network analysis and comparison with multidimensional scaling. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 12, 328-383.
Homans G. (1950). The human group. New York: Harcourt-Brace.
Roethlisberger F. and Dickson W. (1939). Management and the worker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The dataset includes all WTA tennis matches from 1968-2021 The networks are directed pointing from the loser to the winner. Each network contains the following attributes:
Edge attributes: - surface: on which surface the match(es) took place (e.g. "Hard", "Grass", "Clay") - weight: number of times Player A lost to Player B on surface X Vertex attributes: - hand: if player is (L)eft or (R)ight handed (or (U)nknown) - age: age of player during the season - country: home country of player
Check out https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0017249 for a potential use case.
list of igraph objects
Networks constructed from data that was gathered and compiled by Jeff Sackmann (https://github.com/JeffSackmann). Please give credit to him if you use this data.